MSW will not settle
on 2/17/10 10:56 pm
Accountability Mission: No Mercy and No Excuses 

Its Accounability Thursday
BAF.  Is your week's plan working for you?  Tell the whole truth and be accountable.  Are you working the basics: protein first, plenty of water, carbs in moderation, taking those vits... You know the drill.  Be mindful of your goals and work your program. 

... All are welcome, jump in at anytime.

For reference:
5 Day Pouch Test website

5 Day Pouch Test Instructions
Protein Train Instructions
Wagon Plan Instructions

Overeaters Anonymous 
Online Meetings 

                   MSW   Roux-En-Y Gastric Bypass: Eat sensibly & enjoy moderation  

 Links:  Are you a compulsive eater?  for help OA meets on-line Keep Coming Back, One Day At a Time  Overeaters Anonymous 


on 2/17/10 11:12 pm
Whaddup lady!

i'm holding it down - not eating after 8pm is a STRUGGLE!!!!  did good yesterday tho.

I'm going to start doing core work at home on my off gym days - I've decided I want to do push ups - can't do even one now, so i will do planks and elevated pushups at home on those evenings to try to train into being able to do them.

I'm back to tracking all my food, too - that helps keep my mind in gear, amazing how you lose track of things if  you just eat your way thru the day. I've also decided to break up b-fast.  Protein shake only at home, then 2.5-3hrs later, mid morning b-fast in the office. i think that will help my snacking issue.

B- protein shake
B2 - 100cal flat bread, 3 sausage links
L - turkey meatloaf, mashed potatoes, brussel sprouts
S - skim milk, 100cal cookie pack
D - not sure yet - I do want something grilled so i may go to the BBQ place by my house for grilled chicken

Vitamins are done, water - 80 oz is the goal.  Funny story - yesterday I did 80 oz but I was wearing my GOOD girdle - the kind I can't roll down but have to deal with a hook and eye crotch......WHY did I almost end up having to go home early because I forgot what I had on, had to go REAL bad and was in the bathroom stall fighting the girdle????

Like Andre3000 said - sounded like 2 midgets in the back seat wrestlin........LMAO
MSW will not settle
on 2/17/10 11:28 pm
  Lord, I've been there praying nothing runs down my leg. 

My waste water management secret: Poise pads for leakage.  I abandoned serious shapewear at size 12, but I can't hold it as long as I think I can.  Waste water management.  Its not just an enviornmental term anymore. 

As for pushups, they work.  I'm doing modified on the floor and elevated around chair height.  Alternating sets with hands apart and close together.  My pecs are looking better and better.  That's a huge issue for me now that I've got zero clevage. 
on 2/18/10 1:03 am
amen on not being able to hold it!  when I was fat - I was a damn camel - but now...... trying to hold it is about a futile as running with an egg on a spoon.....

GOTTA GO!!!! lmaooooooo

already using the pad tip - only took ONE time of not being able to make it to teach me THAT lesson........
MSW will not settle
on 2/17/10 11:17 pm, edited 2/17/10 11:18 pm
I ate too much yesterday. I didn't track but I know because we always know. I had frozen sea food. Once you add in the breading and extra fat its a high cal high carb day. I got caught unprepared for a meatless day and had to take what I got.

I'm still on protein & produce. The low carbing basics. No more breadding. Tomorrow is another meatless day for me so I'm prepping today.
The One
on 2/18/10 5:24 am - Houston, TX
Ok yall them damn girl scout cookies have got to go!!! They are evil and keep calling my name and I keep eating them. I am going to freeze them suckers. Outa sight outa mind (is what they say). I have not been tracking my calories, not exercising, and not getting my water in. So I gotta get on a serious mission and quick.

I do take my vitamins daily.

Tomorrow start tracking food and water.

on 2/18/10 6:47 am
  You know dam well putting them cookies in the freezer is not getting them out of sight.    They are going to keep calling your name fromt that freezer the yelling will just be muffled and you know they are good as hell frozen. 

Get them mother fluckers out your house if you don't want to eat them.  
Salty Pickle a.k.a.  Lee
MSW will not settle
on 2/18/10 8:23 am
This weekend I bought a pack of sf chocolate chip cookies, ate two, then crushed and poured dishwashing liquid on the rest.  I know that freezer thing is useless for me. 
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