Tiger Woods
I did not read it and I doubt I will. Every time some celebrity fcku's up his/ her life and its front page news, I can't help but wonder what issues of importance in the world go unreported. Media keeps the public focused on bull **** while the important stuff goes over our heads.
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I think the statement was sincere. It's really a shame that he felt compelled to make a public apology. It was probably done more to salvage his endorsememts. It seems that he is really working on some personal issues and I hope he can work things out with his wife.
For all those saying that this revelation has killed his golf game, I can't wait for him to hit the links. Infidelity is not going to kill his game. The man is a golf genious. He just needs to make up his mind about whether or not he wants to be a faithful husband-- and that is between him, his maker, and his wife.
For all those saying that this revelation has killed his golf game, I can't wait for him to hit the links. Infidelity is not going to kill his game. The man is a golf genious. He just needs to make up his mind about whether or not he wants to be a faithful husband-- and that is between him, his maker, and his wife.
I agree that this is a private issue and I also believe that some of this has to do with a black man being married to a white woman. Racism is raising its ugly head. My pastor said something that I totally agree with for those that cast judgment someone should open your closet and expose your secrets. This is a private matter and we should pray for the entire family, especially the kids.