OT - From the "C'mon fatty... let's go!" files
Actor/Director/Screenplay writer, Kevin Smith deemed 'too fat' to fly Southwest and was kicked off the plane for being overweight.
http://www.cnn.com/2010/SHOWBIZ/02/15/kevin.smith.southwest/ index.html?hpt=T2
I guess "Silent Bob" won't be so silent anymore, huh?
http://www.cnn.com/2010/SHOWBIZ/02/15/kevin.smith.southwest/ index.html?hpt=T2
I guess "Silent Bob" won't be so silent anymore, huh?

Such a shame! If that's the truth then all MEN should be placed off of the plane. I lost count how many men I've sat next to on a plane, bus, train, etc and have to spread eagle themselves to keep their balls happy go lucky at my risk-Safety?

Tis better to be dis-liked than to be loved by them cuz your always on their mind.
I saw this on the news yesterday and don’t feel the LEAST bit bad for him! My mom and I got into it a lil bit over this – SHE tried to make it akin to racism (of course) but it’s NOT the same!!!!
When I fly – I like having my ENTIRE seat that I PAID FOR to MYSELF! Nobody else’s thigh meat, arm flab or butt in MY seat with me!!!! And you know how big the seats are, so if you can’t fit – don’t BUY one, buy TWO!!!! Heck – why aren’t there big azzed folk up in Express trying on size 2 pants???? CAUSE THEY KNOW THEY BELONG
Go ahead and boycott Southwest, I say! That means I can rest assured I won’t have to share my seat with ½ another mofo!!!!

I used to hate to fly when I was fat. I could see the look of dread in peoples' eyes as I would approach my seat. As a big girl I used to pull myself into the most contorted and smallest position possible so that I would not infringe on my fellow passengers' space. Overall, I think I was considerate, but every single flight was uncomfortable because I was so self conscious.
On the other side of the coin, after losing weight I once had to sit on a flight next to a morbidly obese woman who was so large she could not sit comfortably with the arm rest down. I could tell it was digging into her side and I felt sorry for her, BUT she was spilling over into MY space. By the time I reached my destination I had the not-so-sweet-smelling sticky dampness of her perspiration on my clothes. I was not a happy camper.
I could see the look of dread in peoples' eyes as I would approach my seat.
I hear ya, but I got it both ways: I was fat and I am tall as hell. If I wasn't spilling over onto the person seated next to me, then I was getting my big feet bumped, smashed, and stepped on for having it in the aisle (so that, as Tha Pinkster said above, I could keep my balls happy go lucky). I tell ya a fat man-child just ain't safe on a crowded plane filled with skinny folks
I hear ya, but I got it both ways: I was fat and I am tall as hell. If I wasn't spilling over onto the person seated next to me, then I was getting my big feet bumped, smashed, and stepped on for having it in the aisle (so that, as Tha Pinkster said above, I could keep my balls happy go lucky). I tell ya a fat man-child just ain't safe on a crowded plane filled with skinny folks