OT: For My Old Heads....YES I'm showing my age!

(deactivated member)
on 2/13/10 10:56 am

Bill is breaking it down right here





Tha Pinkster T.
on 2/13/10 12:23 pm
Hey Old Ass Ro Ro!  What you have planned for the Mrs. Tomorrow?
Tis better to be dis-liked than to be loved by them cuz your always on their mind.   

Pretty In Pink
Graphics & Myspace layouts


(deactivated member)
on 2/13/10 12:54 pm

What I planned for xmas, nothin' 


Tha Pinkster T.
on 2/13/10 1:07 pm
Your 10 months early and you know that I am referring to Valentine's day with your girlfriend.
Tis better to be dis-liked than to be loved by them cuz your always on their mind.   

Pretty In Pink
Graphics & Myspace layouts


Meso Thin
on 2/13/10 3:18 pm

Bill Whiters ...... dang I forgot him and all the Denise Nicholas chit.

I love his music ..... he was soooo smoooth.  But what up wit the domestic

violence angle???  I don't konw if I like his view of women ....... but I do loooooove

me some music by  Bill Withers, all day long!!!!!!!   BTW ...... I love me some RO, too!!!!

Meso Thin
(deactivated member)
on 2/13/10 10:17 pm

Girllllllllllll I didn't peep that! 

Please tell me that is not the reason he REALLY faded away 

dayummm dayummmmm dayummmmmmmm  

love yo monkey ass too


on 2/13/10 10:52 pm
Wow that's a blast from the past I'm glad to see he is looking well (even though he is a woman beater).  I have Use Me, Ain't No Sunshine & Lean On Me on my Ipod his music is timeless.

Change is a Process Not an Event

(deactivated member)
on 2/14/10 5:19 am

this woman beater thing is new to me!!

Still haven't figured the woman beating  thing out!!

So basically what you are saying is you ain't trying to hear this link, because ol' boy was a woman beater??  

on 2/14/10 6:19 am
No, I was glad to see him alive and well. On the domestic violence history I'm not his judge or jury he has to answer to his character flaw to a higher power.  I still love his music. 

It's kind of like my feelings about R. Kelly love his music but question his character.  We all have one character flaw or another some worst than others so I'll accept their gift to the world and leave it at that.  Considering that neither one of the brothers is a personal friend of mine........it's all cool

Change is a Process Not an Event

(deactivated member)
on 2/14/10 11:06 am

Still haven't looked up the bio on him..lol 

so dayummm poka, how do you feel about Mike Jackson? 

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