To Pursue or to not pursue
I agree. If actively pursued then I say go out on a few dates. What's the harm?! I would advise, however, a strict "No jumpin' off rule" up front for them though, because some male co-workers are known to gossip and spread rumors throughout the US workforce. Ya don't need that type of drama at your J-O-B.
What is it with the AYYYYY! No jump off up
in here with this JaCuban Pecan no sIr! I've been pursued by some Ghetto Ass Dudes on the JOB not from my side and I'm like
. I actually told someone to kill him self lol. Forgive me Lord!

Tis better to be dis-liked than to be loved by them cuz your always on their mind.
If someone expresses interest AND they are mature with a solid character and reputation...I say go for it. Otherwise, I would not touch it with a ten foot pole or even put it out there that I am open to work place entanglements. I would keep it clean if at all possible. In this day and age, I'd rather have a job AND go to someone else's company looking for that special someone. I am sure that there are other organizations with similar make-up as the one you are in. Go to mixers AND network within your professional organization.............................
This all coming from a single woman...LOL!
This all coming from a single woman...LOL!