Anybody else getting tired of the back to back blizzards in the Mid-Atlantic States
(deactivated member)
on 2/11/10 6:51 pm - ~Somewhere in~, PA
on 2/11/10 6:51 pm - ~Somewhere in~, PA
Oh yea, Ohio has horrible winters, I am definitely not used to these back to back blizzards, whew, I don't see how you guys can stand it!
(deactivated member)
on 2/11/10 6:52 pm - ~Somewhere in~, PA
on 2/11/10 6:52 pm - ~Somewhere in~, PA
Not fair! You must be related to an Eskimo!

Number #1
I am stuck at home with my girls today. Schools and my job are closed down. So we have a hookie day. We are going to walk to the store. The car is buried plus they have yet to plow...probably this morning some time since all the snow has stopped. We really don't need anything from the store but I have to get some exercise in and it will give the girls a chance to enjoy the snow.
Number #2
We were stuck in the snow yesterday....and would still be there as a matter of fact BUT 3 gentleman...2 of them fine as wine...helped to dig us out. I was so appreciative. Its funny but before the weight loss...I had a similar situation....and no one bothered to assist me. I guess I did not look helpless enough...I don't know perhaps its just me....but a big burly yet attractive woman does not get offered assistance in the same way as a much slimmer attractive woman. So here's another kuko for the!
Number #3
I can play around all day surfing as opposed to being focused on a deadline. I will also do my taxes and get them out of the way. The Internet makes life so much easier. I can't imagine life without it now. essence...I don't feel as stuck as I would have felt back in the day.
For Naomi,
I know you and your sweetheart will be married in the future but if you don't have it already....invest in a webcam or purchase your next computer with one preinstalled. While its not the same as having your honey by your side....its a great way to keep connected when you can't be chatting with the person when you can see their face (and whatever else

(deactivated member)
on 2/11/10 7:02 pm - ~Somewhere in~, PA
on 2/11/10 7:02 pm - ~Somewhere in~, PA
Wow MD you wanted to be stranded in a hotel?...I guess it would be great to be stranded with a handsome hunk?
...Isn't if funny how much men HELP out the smaller you get? You go girl! My neighbor a nice looking brotha actually shoveled all the snow from my driveway and turns out he is from the ATL too, small world....Oh I have a web-cam on my laptop...camcorder too..hehe....looks like we need to start using it since he travels 90 percent of the time and is away....the only thing that is holding us back from marriage is my freaking house that I am waiting to sell, I was going to rent it out..but we gave it some thought and decided we don't want to deal with renters and the possibility of someone destroying my we will wait to get married after I sell my place and can move near PA....They cancelled the flight for the 3rd time and he cannot get a flight out from LA until Sunday Valentines day! So I will be alone..but he told me he put something in the mail for me and his mom...he is so sweet!

That is sweet that he will still get your special gift to you. You have a man that knows how to treat his woman.
I like being stranded in the hotel because I can work out or go swimming....Yes, it would be nice to have a man..stranded in there with me...I am working on that one.
I am talkin to someone...but keeping it on the down low...I will say this...hes very nice....and has been a perfect gentleman....AND I am trying very very hard to be a lady...LOL!
I like being stranded in the hotel because I can work out or go swimming....Yes, it would be nice to have a man..stranded in there with me...I am working on that one.