Divorce and Gastric Bypass...

I’ll preface by saying I don’t believe in marriage in the first place, BUT – from what I’ve seen here over the years – your marriage and your WLS don’t have anything to do with each other……… HOWEVER – WLS can make already existing issues more prominent and can push an otherwise borderline issue over the edge.
Most commonly, I’ve seen couples where the partners feels they will lose the other when they get ‘skinny’ – some where it’s an abusive/controlling relationship already and the weight loss frees the person to see the world in a new light and NOT the light the abuser would prefer.
If you’re strong now, you’ll be strong later – but WLS doesn’t ‘fix’ a dayum thing in a relationship – that’s my observation, at least.
Well, Im not married but in a relationship and interestingly, my man loves me exactly the way I am. He always did. And, he always pointed out how he just prefer full figured women. He is not happy at all about the surgery but did tell me he understands I have to do it for myself. We will see. It will be very interesting to see if the dynamics of out relationship changes.
on 2/8/10 10:06 pm - ~Somewhere in~, PA
There are many on this board that divorce after WLS....and there are some like myself that don't seem to faced with that problem.
Funny thing is I had people on BAF tell me that it was pretty inevitable which not being able to predict the future I still argued. I think for some on both ends WLS can bring out issues that may have already existed.
I am far from one to judge but will say I think every situation is different. My husband is enjoying the new me as I am. We have been together for eleven years and I always say it's like he has a new wife without the alimony....
Thinking about it is OK but love one another and just have fun honor what you want and how you feel and continue to communicate...wishing you all the best...