OT: My Color Purple moment - God is tryna tell me somethin!
Ok – I think God is really trying to tell/show me something.
Remember my neighbor? Well – I’ve been doing his shots and checking on him – he says he’s feeling better these days – I told him ‘amazing! You went to the doctor, he prescribed medicine and when you take it like you should, you feel better! I guess those 8 years of schooling they do ARE worth it……’ – He just LOVES my sarcasm….. hehehehhee
Anyway – I’ve been talking to a group of folk about life and ways to rethink of yourself – mostly for self esteem purposes. After that, I started talking to my mom and actually have helped her with some breakthroughs that are literally life changing for her. She’s even thanked me – said she’s feeling better and has asked me to continue working with her on it.
So this morning – my neighbor started talking to me after his shot, telling me he’d been depressed thinking no one in the world cared enough to help him when he’d done so much for others. I told him his expectation of return from people to match his own level of care was too much – people are as they are, and they will show you. It’s your job to decide if their picture is pretty enough for your wall. And you have the permission, whether family or otherwise NOT to decorate your gallery with them.
He literally perked up and smiled – he thanked me for that insight, said he didn’t think of it that way. He felt like his family should help him more with everything, why weren’t they more responsive. Have they ever been? I asked. No. Well – they haven’t changed, maybe it’s time you accept that and change your outlook – you have more than earned the right to not feel beholden to anyone. I told him we would continue our chat tonight – but I’m really thinking my jabbering and talk is really a good and helpful thing and I feel pretty dang cool knowing that I’m helping two people who’ve been absolutely instrumental in help make me who I am today.
This may seem morbid – but my ‘joy’ is in knowing that I am helping put peace into my mom and his life – that when they leave this world – they will leave with a little less heaviness in their spirit than would have been there otherwise.
Ok – I’m done. That is all.
Back to our regular programming…. Lemme see what trouble I can get into or make happen……. LOL!!!
MSW Roux-En-Y Gastric Bypass: Eat sensibly & enjoy moderation
Links: Are you a compulsive eater? for help OA meets on-line Keep Coming Back, One Day At a Time Overeaters Anonymous
That is not morbid. I found it interesting and eye opening. You should give yourself MORE credit, honestly.
In times like these, folks need inspirational, true stuff like these because behind allllllll these weight loss stories, and jokes,, are LOTS of people with "LIFE" issues---just like your neighbor. Dont call it "jabbering talk"---shooooot some of us find ourselves depressed and need regular KICKS in our butts to rethink and re evaluate our ways of thinking.
Dont sell yourself short sista. Just like you mean a lot to your neighbor and your mother, you mean a lot to us in here too.
I, for one, LOVE your posts. You are really the only one I respond to(the rare occasions I do come in here)
We know you can be crazy,, but The Que knows you are genuine and smart as well.
Dont trip.