Dating after weight loss
Joseph you are getting all this advice from the women now here's one from a have to lear that its all about you and how you view yourself. Most people that you are getting these looks from now probably never even knew you before WLS so you cant blame them for admiring you now. Most of us who will be honest will admit that we too want somebody thats attractive...TO US!!!! meaning that we find attractive. You must now gain the confidence and self esteem that is needed now to go along with the new you. You don't have to think that these people are now noticing you when they wouldnt before, who cares? They didn't know you then most likely but in your mind you're holdiinng them responsible for what YOU are thinking. Isnt that a contradiction? You dont want others to be prejudice against you because of weight issues but you'll be prejudice against them because they are giving you more attention than before. Double standards are always wrong and you have to get used to the fact that your life has changed and God blessed you to experience it for his reason so stop questioning God's choice for you just enjoy it brother!!!
Hold up Mark!!!
Put that blade away!!! LOL
I really am grateful to God for allowing me to get a second chance at my life. I was just wondering if anyone else had gone through the similar things I feel. The circle of people that I could compare with has totally changed. I guess that is why the support groups are important. My friends and family can't really relate to how I feel sometimes. Not to mention the added emotional rollercoaster it seems I have been going through since surgery.
I guess it is really all about balance. I'm learning that now. We are all allowed our preferences, but at the same time if I'm not attracted to you i dont treat you like trash. I do have some common decency about myself. My self esteem does need to come up quite a bit. I guess that will come in time.

I really am grateful to God for allowing me to get a second chance at my life. I was just wondering if anyone else had gone through the similar things I feel. The circle of people that I could compare with has totally changed. I guess that is why the support groups are important. My friends and family can't really relate to how I feel sometimes. Not to mention the added emotional rollercoaster it seems I have been going through since surgery.
I guess it is really all about balance. I'm learning that now. We are all allowed our preferences, but at the same time if I'm not attracted to you i dont treat you like trash. I do have some common decency about myself. My self esteem does need to come up quite a bit. I guess that will come in time.
No my brother didnt mean to seem harsh I wanted you to just know that you must change the way you view things now because people are going to see you differently now so you have to prepare yourself for that. I had people that I've known for years walk right by me as if they didnt know me. At first it bothered me until somebody said well mark they really probably didnt know who you were. found out that this was the case with some the others were just hatin!!! Oh and you will defnitely get a lot of HATERADE thrown at you!!! People who you thought were your friends and had youre best interest at heart will be the first ones to hate on you!!