Dating after weight loss
I guess I'm a little bitter but I'm thinking that if you didn't pay attention to me before DONT start now...
I felt this way in my early stages of WL also. I swore if I came across a guy who knew me in my bigger days who didn't holler at me then didn't have shiot coming now. LOL
I have now come to understand that I (and you) have have lost weight and you look different. Just like you have preferences in who you are attracted too, others do too. Some people just are not attracted to overweight that you are not overweight, that same person may now be attracted to you.
It may seem a little vain or stereotypical but it is what it is.
True story here....I have reconnected with a guy that I had a crush on pre WL surgery. He did not know who I was at first. After telling him who I was, he was surprised to say the least. I have to admit, I toyed with the idea of messing with him for a minute, then dumping him just because. But I really couldn't do that (just not in my nature)
To make a long story short, we have been in a relationship for the past 3 months and things have been going great. He admitted my weight played a big part in why we didn't get together before. I was hurt but had to realize....I have lost 130 lbs...that's a whole person! I'm a new and improved person.
So, I say this to say, don't limit yourself. You may miss out on something that could turn into a wonderful relationship.
The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate. - Oprah Winfrey
STILL, though!! Who wants to find out something of that magnitude like THIS?!?!?
I still love you, beautiful!!
(I KNOW it's not that dude that was beating me to the "Good morning Kim"'s over there!! I JUST KNOW IT AIN'T!!!!)
To the original poster--forgive me--I wish you the best of luck with your endeavors--I learned that whenever I went LOOKING for something, it always managed to allude me--DESPITE the effort put forth. However, when I chose to "forget" what it was I was in search of, it always found a way to present itself. Until that time came, I chose to focus my energy on self. Couldn't go wrong there. Again, wishing you the best of luck.

LMAO!! Heeeeeeey Kim!!
I've been pudgy, chubby, thick, and now fat........Imma give thin a go round!!!
SW-262, size 18W, 5'6"
CW-168 1/15/2010
94 Lbs down...6 more to go...changed goal to see Onderland for a hot second!
ALSO…(as she reminded me)…everyone has preferences as to what they find physically attractive in a mate…some people prefer someone who is short…or tall…light skin…or dark skin…skinny…or meat on their bones…pretty teeth…nice feet…nice hands…I think you get the idea. Well even at well over 330 pounds *I* dated the FIONEST OF FINE ASS MEN and had high standards