Accountability Mission: No Mercy and No Excuses
Happy SUNDAY my BAF people. What's on your plan for the day? How'd you do yesterday? What do you have planned for the weekend? Tell the whole truth and be accountable.
Have you needed to make any adjustments this week? Tell about it. Remember you've got the weekend to straighten things out. The week can still be succesful. Make sure your behavior mirrors your objectives.
Remember the basics: protein first; plenty of liquids, minimum a half gallon; take all of your supplements; no drinking with meals; wait the prescribed period for drinking before/after meals.
... All are welcome, jump in at anytime.
For reference:
5 Day Pouch Test website http://www.5daypouchtest.com/plan/theplan.html
5 Day Pouch Test Instructions
Protein Train Instructions http://www.obesityhelp.com/forums/black_american/3993571/Protein-Train-Educate-me-please/#32309205
Wagon Plan Instructions
Happy SUNDAY my BAF people. What's on your plan for the day? How'd you do yesterday? What do you have planned for the weekend? Tell the whole truth and be accountable.
Have you needed to make any adjustments this week? Tell about it. Remember you've got the weekend to straighten things out. The week can still be succesful. Make sure your behavior mirrors your objectives.
Remember the basics: protein first; plenty of liquids, minimum a half gallon; take all of your supplements; no drinking with meals; wait the prescribed period for drinking before/after meals.
... All are welcome, jump in at anytime.
For reference:
5 Day Pouch Test website http://www.5daypouchtest.com/plan/theplan.html
5 Day Pouch Test Instructions
Protein Train Instructions http://www.obesityhelp.com/forums/black_american/3993571/Protein-Train-Educate-me-please/#32309205
Wagon Plan Instructions
MSW Roux-En-Y Gastric Bypass: Eat sensibly & enjoy moderation
Links: Are you a compulsive eater? for help OA meets on-line Keep Coming Back, One Day At a Time Overeaters Anonymous
Hi MSW and friends,
My plan for today is rest, rest, rest. It's 4 days post op now and I'm in alot of pain. I'm gonna put out a seperate post on thiis... need some feedback. Didn't get in all my protein yesterday got in 60 grams, all vitamins, 1 calcium chew, and didn't get in the iron supplement. I'm praying i'll feel better later. I know this is just a step in the process. I hope everyone has a blessed day.
My plan for today is rest, rest, rest. It's 4 days post op now and I'm in alot of pain. I'm gonna put out a seperate post on thiis... need some feedback. Didn't get in all my protein yesterday got in 60 grams, all vitamins, 1 calcium chew, and didn't get in the iron supplement. I'm praying i'll feel better later. I know this is just a step in the process. I hope everyone has a blessed day.
Be sure to move about every hour or so even just to walk around the house. My surgeon had me trace the alphabet in the air with my feet to keep circulation going when in a resting position for more than an hour. Drink up the protein, it promotes healing. Same with vits. Treat it like medicine. You don't have to like it, you need it.
Its been a while since I've rambled on so settle in folks or skip to the end for today's plan.
I started this thread as a purely selfish endevor when my usual random weight gain was jepardizing my progress for my six month follow up. I realized a long time back that this thread is not just about me. Its about everyone who is working their plan, or attempting to get motivated to work their plan, however we each define it. I'm about to have my one year follow up and I'm still posting. I'll keep on posting and responding to folks on the b/l indefinetly.
I have a new name today as I've entered another phase in this mission and its time to focus on something new. Obsession with loosing this last 22 lbs is a s strong as ever. I remain as neurotic as I've always been. Nevertheless, I must focus on how I will maintain once I get there. I refuse to hit my magic number and reverse the process because I am not emotionally prepared. My new name stands for OvereatersAnonymous KeepCommingBack.
I am attending online meetings. I am learning about abnormal eating behaviors. I am working towards understanding my own dysfunctional eating. I am defining abstinence from this dysfunction for myself. I am not working the twelve step program, at leaast not now. However, listening to what others share even when I do not identify with their issues has been an eye opener. Food addiction is a devestation equal to alcohol, drugs, gabling, etc. I never knew this. How could I not know this? If you remain an addict, you endanger your wls success.
I am having what I call a "There but for the grace of God go I." moment. I'm blessed not to have a food addiction. However, I've got my own dysfunctions that could endanger my long term success. OH is no longer where I bear my soul so I'l skip the details. But, for the first time, I really think I understand wls patients *****gain all of the weight lost. If addiction is your untreated condition no form of wls will save you.
So my name reflects my current phase of development. I'm good with the introspective as many neurotics with obsessive tendencies are. I expect this to be emotionally trying as I must go from vague understanding to full truth. My siggy includes the link online meetings. No diets, no advice, just a methodology of understanding yourself and your desire to change.
And stay tuned for my regularly scheduled posting:
Yesterday was better. All liquids and an extra dose of vits but no plain water. I got well over my protein goal because I was naughty and had three extra sausage patties throughout the day and a pack of instant grits. Other than that, I was on plan but that was bad enough. The fat in the sausage blows the calorie count up for the day. I had no high cal day planned since I had not been working out.
I'm starting to feel better so I want to get back on plan today. Its not like I went off the deep end or anything but I have not been tracking. If it did not go down easy
I skipped it which meant missed vits and water during the week. I'm resting today but except for exercise, I 'm back on my game now. Of course I never manage to loose when I don't feel well. Humph.
The scale is up a little but its in the water flux range so it should receede if I hit the water and protein right over the next few days. Also, still 'stuck' in the bm department which also shown on the scale. I'm trying to 'declare' my menu going forward. In the past I keep changing my mind mid day, but I will try again.
Today: 125g+ protein; no more than 20% carb; 80 oz liquids incl a pint of plain water; all vits
Protein and flax seed pancake w/ sf syrup
protein powder
Fried tilapia fillet w/ cucumber salad
protein powder
Salmon, either croquettes or poached w/ sauteed onions and peppers
SF jello
I started this thread as a purely selfish endevor when my usual random weight gain was jepardizing my progress for my six month follow up. I realized a long time back that this thread is not just about me. Its about everyone who is working their plan, or attempting to get motivated to work their plan, however we each define it. I'm about to have my one year follow up and I'm still posting. I'll keep on posting and responding to folks on the b/l indefinetly.
I have a new name today as I've entered another phase in this mission and its time to focus on something new. Obsession with loosing this last 22 lbs is a s strong as ever. I remain as neurotic as I've always been. Nevertheless, I must focus on how I will maintain once I get there. I refuse to hit my magic number and reverse the process because I am not emotionally prepared. My new name stands for OvereatersAnonymous KeepCommingBack.
I am attending online meetings. I am learning about abnormal eating behaviors. I am working towards understanding my own dysfunctional eating. I am defining abstinence from this dysfunction for myself. I am not working the twelve step program, at leaast not now. However, listening to what others share even when I do not identify with their issues has been an eye opener. Food addiction is a devestation equal to alcohol, drugs, gabling, etc. I never knew this. How could I not know this? If you remain an addict, you endanger your wls success.
I am having what I call a "There but for the grace of God go I." moment. I'm blessed not to have a food addiction. However, I've got my own dysfunctions that could endanger my long term success. OH is no longer where I bear my soul so I'l skip the details. But, for the first time, I really think I understand wls patients *****gain all of the weight lost. If addiction is your untreated condition no form of wls will save you.
So my name reflects my current phase of development. I'm good with the introspective as many neurotics with obsessive tendencies are. I expect this to be emotionally trying as I must go from vague understanding to full truth. My siggy includes the link online meetings. No diets, no advice, just a methodology of understanding yourself and your desire to change.
And stay tuned for my regularly scheduled posting:
Yesterday was better. All liquids and an extra dose of vits but no plain water. I got well over my protein goal because I was naughty and had three extra sausage patties throughout the day and a pack of instant grits. Other than that, I was on plan but that was bad enough. The fat in the sausage blows the calorie count up for the day. I had no high cal day planned since I had not been working out.
I'm starting to feel better so I want to get back on plan today. Its not like I went off the deep end or anything but I have not been tracking. If it did not go down easy
I skipped it which meant missed vits and water during the week. I'm resting today but except for exercise, I 'm back on my game now. Of course I never manage to loose when I don't feel well. Humph.
The scale is up a little but its in the water flux range so it should receede if I hit the water and protein right over the next few days. Also, still 'stuck' in the bm department which also shown on the scale. I'm trying to 'declare' my menu going forward. In the past I keep changing my mind mid day, but I will try again.
Today: 125g+ protein; no more than 20% carb; 80 oz liquids incl a pint of plain water; all vits
Protein and flax seed pancake w/ sf syrup
protein powder
Fried tilapia fillet w/ cucumber salad
protein powder
Salmon, either croquettes or poached w/ sauteed onions and peppers
SF jello