Update - My Ex-friend of 20 years
SP....I am so ******g p***ed but I did not want to jump the gun and let my initial feelings get way from me. As my grandma would say...I am gonna have to give her the long handled spoon treatment...and if that's not enough...take the next step. She can't say a good word yet she can come back with some bullshioot like this here. People do change and I am seeing it in front of my eyes....its unreal...because I NEVER in a million years would have imagined this change. Seriously....I would not do the same thing. Many people I have known...have lost weight or got other good news. Heyl...I knew one person that won significant cash in the lottery BUT I was happy for them. Why can't people be happy for a person. You don't have to answer this...I am just venting....lot of shioot hitting me at once.
ETA: I only mention the money to show that "I" was trying to do something to LIFT her spirits. She has never asked for money and I have never sent "cash" in the whole 20 years we have been friends. I just wanted her to be able to treat herself in hard times. I am now seeing that she might only be able to offer ME support in HARD times...cause its not threatening in any way.
Her ass is beyond jealous.
LOL, I thought this was a woman, what the hell is that hole ?
I told you before that it's hard for a mofo to be happy and glad when they are in a rough spot. When I was in that place mentally, I retreated - just didn't really talk to anyone. I could have chosen to be mean and snipey for no good reason, but people don't deserve that. While I could empathize with her before - now Imma just tell you to leave her be. She ain't where you are, so you must leave her where she's at so that you can continue YOUR journey without carrying dead weight.
OMG - I just saw the pic - and I am ready to cuss her ass out myself!!!!

I agree that I need to call her on the carpet about it. I sent her a message. I might have called on the phone for real...but I needed to get those feeling out AND did no want to wait until after work YET I dont want to talk about it on a break or anything....probably need more time. I need her to digest what I said anyway. I am just going to fade away. She can draw her own conclusions if she can't come correct.
Hey E*****,
You know...under normal cir****tances I would have taken this message as a joke but the last few times we have talked have felt different to me. You know that I have tried to be supportive and help you get on track in regards to your weight...I know its hard. When I told you that I had lost some more weight you had no positive words for me. Well...I let that go because I know that its hard to hear someone succeeding in an area that you might be struggling in. That's why I have not even brought weight up in our last conversations.
I want to believe that you are just joking in this message. I know that we do joke around a lot BUT it still hurt my feelings. Right now...I need support. I am trying to get my health in check. Its not coming from any other direction other than my support groups YET its not the same as the support you can get from a long term friend.
I thought I would reply to this message because right now I am not really up to talking on the phone about it.
It really pissed me OFF to be honest. And I don't know why the hell...you would send it to C**** too. She has not lost any weight. Was it to embarrass me?