OT: I do have a heart.....shhhhh - don't tell nobody
Mine *****
on 1/28/10 1:28 am
on 1/28/10 1:28 am
That is great MM!!!! I am going to send you some info on the BL.
The question that I am asked most often:
Is that your hair??????
A Phenomenal Woman who doesn't have to Ego Trip to Still Rise: Pretty women often wonder where my secret lies...I am a woman, phenomenally....that's me!!!!! 

WOW!!!!! I am humbled! What a powerful testimony! Jesus said the greatest commandment is to LOVE. We are to first love God with all of our hearts, minds and bodies and then to love and serve others and in doing so, we fulfill all commandments. You have done just that.
And trust me girl, I know what you are saying about God repeating things until you listen. God can not bless us past our last acts of disobedience so, it just pays to listen the first time! No one knows this MORE THAN ME! Great job, well done! Blessings abound for you!!!