Now only 32 Pounds to lose by 5/24/10

(deactivated member)
on 1/28/10 5:31 am, edited 1/28/10 6:42 am - Fair Play, CA
Fukk em!!! Yeah...those of you who had your stop watches just waiting for me to start stroking my keyboard....can just stop them right now. I am done whining...but still feel I had a right to be pissed. I was looking at Gigi's Frugal post and thought of an idea that I have used a lot. Whenever I get fed up with the exorbitant fees that the cable company, internet provider or other  subscription services charge....I always threaten to cancel....and wahlah all of a sudden they have all types of discounts or specials rates to offer me.  Well...perhaps I was trying to use that same strategy to get OH to comply or fall to their knees regarding the notification issue....BUT I guess that strategy won't work if you are getting shioot for FREE. LOL! Well....I will go ahead and take the free shioot but from here on in....I just won't expect much....then I won't be disappointed. Nuff said. I need ya'll.

At any rate, it does seem that my 40 pounds post was not only helping me but others as well (thank you for letting me know ) so I am going to keep it going.

As of today I am down 8 pounds since I started the posts. If my memory serves me correctly I started these posts a week or so before based on that time frame...I am doing pretty darn good. 

If I had to put my finger on the top 3 things that are helping me...I would say that they are 1.) being conscious of what I put in my mouth (good or bad) even if I happen to miss tracking one day. I used to do a lot of mindless the end of the day I had a very hard time even recalling what I ate. I am sure others have experienced that too. 2.) Having my mind now geared and more appreciative of the benefits of exercise or MOVING does make it easier to see the loss. I am very aware that I have a lot of baggy clothes.  It sort of feels good to have a lot of space where some hips or azz used to be....well...maybe not the azz....but you get my point. 3.) Having others recognize that you are actually focused on a goal and they can tell that you are serious not playing around. Used to be when I said I am starting a diet or exercise..or whatever....folks would just roll their eyes..."like Deedee"....yeah right...we heard that one before. My mom even commented on how nice I looked but she did have to add...BUT don't lose too much weight or your face will droop.Oh well....what did I expect.

So for those who have been here all along...working this goal with me...Keep it up. We can make it.

Soul Flower
on 1/28/10 5:51 am
Hey thurr,
I'm jumpin on the bandwagon with you. I just began what I call the accountability regimine on today. My surgiversary is the 20 of February and I want to be under 200 by then. I am currently at 208 which is the same lowest that I got with the band back in 05. My goal is to also lose 30 lbs by May to put me at my goal of 170 something. This journey has been more of an inches journey but now I want to get a few more lbs off.

Excercise has been the main challenge for me, but now that my recent MS exacerbation is over I have been moving much more. I also realized that I had slacked off on the protein shakes (trying to chock one down now yuk). So my goal is to get in one shake per day, move as much as possible and like you watch what I put down the tube.

I've also decided to cut most meats since I can't seem to control the urge to fry instead of bake. My intake is now limited to either chicken or fish twice a week. I bought some tofu for the first time on yesterday and plan to figure out what the hell to do with it in the stirfry catagory. Bought a zillion veggies to play with stir fryin and tofu and olive oil to stir fry with. I also bought fruits.

Finally, although I am good about getting the water in, I plan to increase my intake.

Best wishes to you
(deactivated member)
on 1/28/10 12:39 pm, edited 1/28/10 12:40 pm - Fair Play, CA
Wonderful...come on aboard SF! I think both goals are doable. I am with you about the protein shakes. I have been trying to experiment with the bullet. Need to ask others to give us some recipe ideas.

As for frying vs baking. Try limiting the amount of oil you keep on hand. I always buy the very small bottle. I honestly can't recall the last I used some. The stir fry sounds like a great idea....especially with the olive oil. I have been using the Crock pot mostly for all my keep the flavor so well.  It can't be beat...since I am so busy.  Fruits are good but just have to watch the daily intake because of all the sugars.

You know the last thing...water is the most you definitely have a great plan.

Look forward to reading your progress.

on 1/28/10 7:20 pm
MD one of my favorite Bullett protein shake recipe experiments is:

Vanilla flavored protein (30-50g)
1/3 to1/2 c of decaf coffee (cold)
Cup of ice
6-8 oz water
2 tsp SF General foods Suisse Mocha Chocolate
1-2 packets Splenda (Optional)
Splash of Hazelnut Creamer (Optional)
Fiber (Optional)

Blend in Bullett

If you like coffee/latte flavored drinks, this is a great one.  You can also add or substitute any of your own favorite flavors to it for your taste like carmel, coconut or pralines.  These can be found in liquid flavors in the baking sections of your grocer.  Enjoy!

(deactivated member)
on 1/29/10 12:10 am - Fair Play, CA
Thanks J,

I am not really a fan of coffee or coffee flavor though I will partake on occasion if I need the lift on a long ride or something. I am sure someone will want to try this recipe though. What brand of Protein do you use?  I am shopping around for better. I saw a brand at Coscos that I want to try but can't recall the name off hand.

(deactivated member)
on 1/29/10 1:41 am - Fair Play, CA
Oh....I am going to try substituting like you suggested. I love coconut and mango, peach, strawberry. Maybe some Crystal light flavoring. I am going to experiment this weekend.
on 1/28/10 7:46 am, edited 1/28/10 7:46 am - Mesa, AZ
Hey sweetheart.  I feel the same way.  Nope, not gonna make me give up.  Let me expalin, I will be doing a Christian CD (I will talk more about it soon) this year and like many who are concerned about what might "leak" out, it did cross my mind BUT then I remember who's child I am.  I fear no man in his face.  If God be for me, who can be against me soooooo, here I is.  *bleep* 'em!  I'm glad to see you back.  I was gonna miss you so much!!!

Love is all there is, ever was or ever will be...  

(deactivated member)
on 1/28/10 1:22 pm, edited 1/28/10 1:25 pm - Fair Play, CA
Hey Glam,

When I really think about it...I don't care about what leaks out. Heyl...I have given people more than enough information to cross reference me to the other side. Everyone IRL...that I have any contact with...pretty much know my history since I do mentoring and  community service with women in homeless shelters and other at risk populations SO me disclosing about myself is nothing people hope when they see where I come from and the challenges that I have faced with the help of my higher power. Just don't need them knowing what I say over here to destress....LOL

I was just p**sed...that's all. I am over it...but I will look at the site for what it is from this point for forward. Its a commercial site FIRST and a therapeutic/support site as a secondary function and not the other way around.

I look forward to hearing more about your CD....wish I could sing..cuz no one would want to hear my singing ability.   

MSW will not settle
on 1/28/10 11:29 am
Congratulations on moving closer to your goal.  That tracking reall makes a difference. 

                   MSW   Roux-En-Y Gastric Bypass: Eat sensibly & enjoy moderation  

 Links:  Are you a compulsive eater?  for help OA meets on-line Keep Coming Back, One Day At a Time  Overeaters Anonymous 


(deactivated member)
on 1/28/10 1:27 pm, edited 1/28/10 2:00 pm - Fair Play, CA does doubt about it.
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