MSW will not settle
on 1/26/10 11:41 pm
Weired too.  Clueless as I have never heard of this one before. 
But there will be no ask'in 'cause I don't want to hear of it on facebook. 
    Now how in hell do I phrase this search?  

                   MSW   Roux-En-Y Gastric Bypass: Eat sensibly & enjoy moderation  

 Links:  Are you a compulsive eater?  for help OA meets on-line Keep Coming Back, One Day At a Time  Overeaters Anonymous 


on 1/27/10 1:40 am
LMAO...Ahhhhhhhhhh come on ask the question no one knows who the hell Masters in Social Work is but us and I don't even know you IRL. LOL.  No pictures = anonymity! 

Change is a Process Not an Event

MSW will not settle
on 1/27/10 2:12 am
  I was working our my 'troubles' and started laughing at the number of bm posts I've made.  I never would have guessed such discussion took place outside of old age homes. 

Had to post a laugh.  Bet a lot of folks took it seriously .  Dry humor does not translate well into text.  Just couldn't help myself. 

Suppositories to the rescue.  Rid yourself of major problems in 30 minutes or less. 

BTW, you look a lot like one of my best friends.  Scary resemlance right down to hair style and hair color.  Both beautiful people inside and out!
on 1/27/10 3:04 am
I have some gay male friends that call enimas,  Ass Showers  .

Like they will say,  I have a date,  better take a ass shower in case I get lucky. 

Just nasty
Salty Pickle a.k.a.  Lee
MSW will not settle
on 1/27/10 3:39 am, edited 1/27/10 3:40 am
Ewwww!  Conjures up some gross pics and flash backs to my one and hopefully only enema. 

Normally my bum hole has a sign Do Not Enter - Exit Only.  Unfortunately I've fallen on "hard times". 

Just Kim
on 1/27/10 4:55 am

What brand/type of suppositories do you use?  I feel a nasty BM issue coming on now.  I took a dose of Miralax earlier today but I might need something else.  I have been taking 2 Colace a day since about a month after surgery but I still suffer with constipation about twice a month.  When it comes, I have tried everything from magnesium citrate to enemas to get things moving again.  Next week I'm going to stop taking the Colace b/c I don't think it's working if I'm taking 2 a day and I still get constipated twice a month.  Instead I was going just taking a dose of Miralax twice a week and see how that works.  It's been 7 months since surgery and I still can't seem to get it under control.    ANYBODY............

122 lbs. lost since surgery on June 11, 2009
MSW will not settle
on 1/27/10 6:09 am
I bought Fleet supositories.  Small waxy things, not comfy but not too bad.  Don't forget the gloves! 

Loosened things up pretty quick but I still need a good cleanout. 
Its got to be bad to get me to send anything through the exit.  It helped alot. Never ever needed help in this area pre op. 

It was like a battering ram was trying to find its way through.  Being a visual person is not all good.  I was getting some freakish images of what this **** monster must have had my nether regions looking like. 

Ewww, just nasty. 

on 1/28/10 12:19 am
I know we've had the BM help postings from various people before.  But can't remember if you said whether the probiotics or senna tea helped?

MSW will not settle
on 1/28/10 11:46 am
I started pro biotics a few weeks ago.  This is the worst bm issue ever for me.  Litterally felt like I was trying to **** a load of bricks. 
on 1/28/10 9:45 pm, edited 1/28/10 9:45 pm
Girl. I feel for you.  prewls & postwls nothing's changed, as I have IBS, so understand your pain.  Glad you got it "worked out" though!    The probiotics works wonders, as I have somewhat of a "regular" schedule now.  However if I feel a back up coming on or know I need a cleaning out, I will steep the senna tea & depending on the situation, will drink one or 2 cups & then by the next day, I'm dumping a load or a mega load!!

For the probiotics are you taking the capsules that have at least a billion?

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