I needed a safe enviornment to handle my behavior. I was very emotional and needed a release. I was not looking for one but I found one. Overeaters Anonymous online.
I've attended two meatings in less than twelve hours and I feel more in control. I used to put it out there on my profile. Journal things for all to see. That was my release. Going public helps me deal with my issues. OA has meetings every three hours 24/7. Times Midnight, 3 am, 6 am, 9 am, Noon, 3 pm, 6 pm, 9 pm all EST.
So far ok. I'm not on point yet but I have not eaten or drank anything yet today. I'm going to get my protein and liquids in today.
Okay I think I have identified my problem...I was good, excellent, spectacular yesterDAY. However last night after turning in for a reasonable night's sleep (which is typically about 4 hours for me) I found myself up at 2 looking for something to eat and then again at 4...if I could stop the nocturnal gnoshing I know I could get a handle on this thing called weight loss. Any suggestions other than strapping myself down to the bed at night? Locking my door doesn't help, btw and I can manuever the steps like a billie-goat at night, lol.
I'm also open to suggestions. I have been splitting my dinner so I could eat again and keep my day in tact. The problem is if I don't want a snack I must force it to meet my protein/ net deficit goal for the day. Big sigh.
Help with this? Anyone???
I've finally made it!! Today I've been on clear liquids only including clear protein. The alpine punch Isopure was much better than the Blue Raspberry HORRIBLE!!! I'm counting down the hours until its time to roll out to the hospital!! Love this accountability and know it will be helpful as I take my next step!
Hi Everyone,
My job is watching everyone’s internet use closely so I have to reevaluate my time usage so that I can check in here. I have a really bad cold with sever sinus pressure which has made me not want to do much of anything. I don’t have much of an appetite so I’ve been eating mostly soup. I am trying to get liquids in so that I won’t get dehydrated but it has been pretty hard since my throat is sore. I hope that I feel better soon so that I can get back on track. I miss you guys & will try to check in during lunch time & be more active at night.
I'll have to check back in the evening to catch your post or try and get this up earlier in the morning for you. Hope you feel better and can turn this cold into a few pounds lost.