Will it change us?... piggyback off of SD's remember when post

on 1/26/10 3:26 am - Mesa, AZ

About the share button...

Will it change us?  It already has.  Yes, it's true, that the greatest tragedy here is that newbie's and soon-to-be's won't have the access to our pages and posts to encourage them and guide them (and that was the real point of this website, wasn't it?) but there's more.  Now the danger of EVERYTHING we post showing up in places we did not want it to nor gave our permission for it to has changed the climate of our conversations completely! 
The word here is GONE.   We had a sense of safety that is GONE.  As SD and so many others have said so well, gone are the real faces of BAF members, now replaced with cleverly disguised names and cartoon avatars.  Gone is our openness and our freedom to "just put it out there" and to be ourselves in our battle of weight loss, surgery and life.  Gone are the freaky Friday posts and Christian sex questions. Gone are the gut wrenchingly honest admissions of weight regain or the sometimes explicit "after" surgery pictures.  Gone are the new pictures of success posted on a BAF family members page. Gone are the amazingly funny, incredibly touching, wonderfully witty conversations that got us thinking and laughing and praying with and for each other.  We are all cautious now.  We are hidden now.  And though we may still have some of those posts we are famous for, they won't be done out in the open as they once were for fear that "what happens on BAF stays on BAF" is gone

It seems to me that now we will be reduced to posts about vitamins and protein shakes.  How tragic.

Will it change us?  Again I say, it already has.

Love is all there is, ever was or ever will be...  

So Blessed!
on 1/26/10 4:17 am, edited 1/26/10 4:18 am

I had a bit of a knee jerk reaction, but then I thought about it and realized I wouldn't really be directly affected by it because I don't belong to any social networking sites.  I just don't put my business out there like that.  If I want somebody to know what I'm doing, I have a conversation with them.  There are only a handful of people on OH who know my real identity.  The only thing that I changed on my profile was to remove photos of me and my family as a precaution.  I will continue to post the way I always have.

I remember once a young lady got HEATED with me and accused me of being a hater when I suggested that some of the photos that she had on her public profile might be too explicit and might come back to haunt her someday.  This whole business, while unpleasant, might be the wake up call that everyone needs to take care about what and how we post online.  You never know who is looking at it.

  I do feel bad for the people who have been affected by this in a negative way and feel like their trust has been violated
on 1/26/10 4:53 am - Mesa, AZ
I agree.  I do think it may be a wake up call for some to be more careful.  As for me, I have not changed my avatar nor have I made my page private, nor will I.  I have always tried to be careful what I put on my page and what I post, but honestly....I have a sense of defiance! I'm not prepared to change regardless of how naive that may be and having to, ****** me off quite frankly. 

So....I plan on speaking on the same subjects I always have.  I plan on putting the same pictures on my page as I have always.  I don't have pics of my child on OH because I wanted this profile to be strictly about my weight loss journey.  I am a part of another social networking site with more pictures of family included.   I have been open about my weight loss surgery and journey to everyone but that was my choice from the beginning. So I am not concerned about others knowing that BUT I TOTALLY understand and appreciate those that feel they would like to keep that to themselves.  I also agree with you that I feel so badly for those who feel violated. 

It has changed the climate of BAF for now.  That may change, but until it does, it has made everyone so cautious and concerned that they can not be open.  It's sad really.

Love is all there is, ever was or ever will be...  

MSW will not settle
on 1/26/10 4:53 am
It so has changed me already.  I had so much to say today;  but, I could not tell the whole truth and be accountable.  I just could'nt.  I felt too exposed to disintrested parties.  Sadly I've had to seek out a new place where I feel secure again.    

                   MSW   Roux-En-Y Gastric Bypass: Eat sensibly & enjoy moderation  

 Links:  Are you a compulsive eater?  for help OA meets on-line Keep Coming Back, One Day At a Time  Overeaters Anonymous 


on 1/26/10 4:57 am - Mesa, AZ
That is exactly what I'm talking about.  It really ****** me off!!  To me, it feels like some stranger going through my panty drawer!  It's not a secret that I got one or that I wear panties, I just want to be able to choose who gets to see 'em.

Love is all there is, ever was or ever will be...  

on 1/26/10 5:29 am
I'm behind the power curve here.  Just trying to catch up.  So, we talking about these share buttons and their ability to transfer stuff from OH to other sites right?  So, guess I need to take off pics and other shiznit I don't want other folks outside our realm to see???

This is really upsetting.  Your right; what's the point of putting this site up if our anonymity is taken away.  This is some ole bull sh*t Lado!!!!  

So this is why erry body changin their avis  

No Retreat!  No Surrender!
on 1/26/10 5:50 am

Um - let some folk tell it - it's never been cloaked - because technically you can copy and paste a URL anywhere you want - so the buttons are exactly the same thing.


(deactivated member)
on 1/26/10 5:55 am - Sweet Dreams lives in , PA

on 1/26/10 5:57 am
  I couldn't resist.  Willpower has always been an issue with me....hence the need for WLS!!!! 

on 1/26/10 6:23 am
You guys should never say anything on OH that you can't say in the real world.     Shame on you if you do,  bunch of nasties.
Salty Pickle a.k.a.  Lee
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