K, Isn't this a solution to the hot mess that OH has put us in?

on 1/26/10 5:19 am
I Don't Know
Salty Pickle a.k.a.  Lee
Just Valena
on 1/26/10 5:22 am - Nunyabizness

Is it hard to believe? No.
People who have malicious intent behind posting links though, would have figured it out, techno nerd or not. That's all I'm saying, as the repetitive theme is being 'outed' for this, that, or the other.

on 1/26/10 4:36 am
Not everyone treats this forum like everyday life.  I say stuff on here that I would never say in the professional world.   I have to stand in rooms full of people and lecture, and if they knew some of the crazy **** I say on here I could possibly lose a creditability.

My point for coming here was to let my hair down, offer support and get support and sometimes act a dam fool,  not to worry about being exposed to the world.   Yeah, Yeah,  I know all that the internet is not private crap but now it just feels like open exposure and that is something I don't need or want in my life.

Salty Pickle a.k.a.  Lee
on 1/26/10 4:39 am
Please stop trying to explain your POV.  Unless you like the repetition - it's just a soliloquy.
on 1/26/10 4:43 am
Dam it's ridiculous,  we know dam well we are not behind some wall.  We are not stupid. 

come on.
Salty Pickle a.k.a.  Lee
on 1/26/10 4:48 am
my darling preacher, this choir says AMEN!  LOL 
Just Valena
on 1/26/10 5:04 am - Nunyabizness
I 'get' where you're coming from.
A fake name and different avie solves the problem. I don't get the whole "goodbye cruel forum" thing.
(deactivated member)
on 1/26/10 4:19 am, edited 1/26/10 4:20 am - Sweet Dreams lives in , PA
I think for me its all about the principal of the matter....OH made a major change without letting us know...therefore we could make an informed decision whether to participate or not. If QT had not let anyone know...when would we have learned or noticed the new feature.  Its a matter of trust for me. Don't treat me like I am some low down dirty dog...under your table eating the scraps.

We do a lot for OH...the fact that we are here is the only reason the advertiser are here.  Yes...they provide and help us get support BUT it is not without cost. I think more than anything OH needs to understand that they can't just play with people's lives on here.

I wonder if they will send any kind of notification to those people who do not frequent the boards as much. Their shioot is still wide open.

Ya'll know that now that the FB button is there in the FACE...all sorts of seedy characters will be over here lurking around.

Tammy  Colter just sent me an email reply to my message from the other day. She says that she going to look into why we were not notified.  I say its only fair that if they can notify us when they need articles  or photos for the mag...etc.. etc.. They can notify us when change is occuring.

Its really as simple as that for me.  Yes, I have locked my profile up as tight as a drum...but can I trust OH...is that enough. See...before these questions were not even in my mind. I am taking ALL my personal information off the server and I secured my FB account.

I guess its a huge wake up call for me. Until...I get a response about the notification AND some degree of satisfaction that this will not occur again. I have to go myself. Next, they will have data mining or tracing pcs or some other shioot....that they won't tell us about. At least FB, lets you know whats up from the jump AND then make the changes based on said input in a lot of cases.  Its about good customer service. I would rather pay a reasonable fee to get treated like a customer if that is whats confusing them.

So I am standing on my principals....even if it means leaving...but that's just me...everyone has to make a decision they are comfortable with at this juncture. 

Just Valena
on 1/26/10 4:40 am - Nunyabizness
I think a reasonable accomodation would be for them to come up with a way we could set our profile to NOT allow sharing of our individual posts. Then if someone posted a thread you were in, they wouldn't be able to see you OR your response.
(deactivated member)
on 1/26/10 4:46 am - Sweet Dreams lives in , PA
I like that idea V...at first when I was testing it out...I was thinking oh...its not bad because people can only share what is in their own post...yet I did realize that this was not in fact the case. This is an even better scenario. Did you suggest this or should I?....LOL! You know I don't mind.

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