New Facebook Link inside...see the share button in action
On January 25, 2010 at 7:06 PM Pacific Time, Plausible deniability wrote:
Hole up pimp - lemme **** ya HEAD UP!!!that damn share link was removed from the R&R forum!!!!!!! yea - 'adult content'.......
wonder what we gotta say to get the BLACK forum 're-designated'???????

Hey V,
Yes...its true...the same thing could have been done all along. Don't think that too many peole would have put the two together before though. We all know its a ploy to draw traffic....and now more than before people will probably use the link to FB..because its there right in their face.
As I said before, I am more upset with the fact that we got zelch notification than the actual share button.
I guess the reason I started this post was that people who have not a clue will know what the fervor is about in respect to FB and an interface with OH.
Honestly the damage is done now...OH need not turn back. Its true in reality they probably did all of us a favor by adding the we can wake up and smell the coffee...probably should not have been sharing so indepthly to begin with....but I am here to helped me and I am glad that I came back when I did.
I would never get the same feeling and opportunity to purge myself of a lot of emotional toxins...had I not been on hear pouring out my heart at the beginning. I had fun too...hehehehe.
I just want to thank everyone for what you did for me. My heart is heavy and I will honeslty miss the old BAF!!
See now you got me to crying....might have to make a separate post for these feelings
Thank you V...your support meant more than you know.
Yes...its true...the same thing could have been done all along. Don't think that too many peole would have put the two together before though. We all know its a ploy to draw traffic....and now more than before people will probably use the link to FB..because its there right in their face.
As I said before, I am more upset with the fact that we got zelch notification than the actual share button.
I guess the reason I started this post was that people who have not a clue will know what the fervor is about in respect to FB and an interface with OH.
Honestly the damage is done now...OH need not turn back. Its true in reality they probably did all of us a favor by adding the we can wake up and smell the coffee...probably should not have been sharing so indepthly to begin with....but I am here to helped me and I am glad that I came back when I did.
I would never get the same feeling and opportunity to purge myself of a lot of emotional toxins...had I not been on hear pouring out my heart at the beginning. I had fun too...hehehehe.
I just want to thank everyone for what you did for me. My heart is heavy and I will honeslty miss the old BAF!!
See now you got me to crying....might have to make a separate post for these feelings
Thank you V...your support meant more than you know.