I did good too with my eating, H20, fluids and supps. I saw my trainer yesteday and had a nice workout. He was very helpful in reinforcing technique. I am now on 2 reps of 12 on 5 legs, 5 arm and 2 reps of 15 on one ab apparatus and 15-20 heel lifts. I definitely felt some burn. I will see him again next Friday. Hopefully soon I will have memorized the names of each apparatus and what muscles it works on.
Plan for Today
B: Wheaties and cup of 1% Milk, supps
S. Mozarella Cheese
L: Peanut Butter Sandwich(2 -35 cal slices WW bread), Small 1 oz piece f smoked turkey, 1/2 cup of milk
S: 1/2 Protein Bullet
D 2 0z Steak, pinto beans with smig of the Smoked Turkey Breast
S Protein Drink
60 minutes cardio combo
Plan for Today
B: Wheaties and cup of 1% Milk, supps
S. Mozarella Cheese
L: Peanut Butter Sandwich(2 -35 cal slices WW bread), Small 1 oz piece f smoked turkey, 1/2 cup of milk
S: 1/2 Protein Bullet
D 2 0z Steak, pinto beans with smig of the Smoked Turkey Breast
S Protein Drink
60 minutes cardio combo