I called OH about this 'sharing' crap yall - SOUND OFF!

on 1/22/10 2:01 am

So....I JUST hung up with OH.  I called 1-866-297-4964 and spoke with Kathy.  She said that she is keeping a log of the complaints and sending it to Management.  CALL THEM! It was a 2 min phone call.  She got my contact info so that she could personally call me when they reach a decision.  I informed her that all around OH and BAF land, people are deleting pics, changing Avatars, deleting blogs, and making profiles private because the dynamics of our anonymity here have changed.  She said that OH is just trying to keep up with the social netowrking times and I said 'what in the world made them think that was a good idea? If I wanted my info here posted on fbook, I would have put it there myself!' Kathy is actually going to copy the threads from BAF that we have posted to share with management and let them know how we HATE this new change. So, your venting on here is not in vain!  If you have something to say about it, reply to this post so that they can see it!

I'll update you guys when she calls me back....


RNY 9/24/08
Surgery Weight - 344.4 
Revision to DS 9/22/10
Surgery Weight - 231.0 
Plastics 4/14/11 
Surgery Weight - 211.0
Current Weight - 179.8
Goal Weight - 160.0
I am staring at Ambition, shaking hands with Success, and smiling at Determination - What are YOU doing? *smirk*

"They ON IT cause they WANT IT!"

on 1/22/10 2:04 am

Hopefully they see some HEAVY users like myself have made major changes and rethink it.  But hey -it's free, so whatever they decide is....... whatever. 
on 1/22/10 2:07 am
How did I know you would pop in here FIRST MM? Lol.  Yeah, I told them that this ish is for the birds.  Some folks are like 'oh whats the big deal' and 'I wouldn't post anything on here that I wouldn't on fbook' I say they are some LIARS! Cuz if one of their links got posted and they cousins, 3rd boyfriend twice removed, and other relatives came out the woodwork posting on their walls and sending them inbox messages like 'OMG You had THE SURGERY? Wow I didnt know that' or "Why did you do that? Why couldn't you just exercise' or 'You sure are getting skinny...no wonder..you had 'that' procedure' I bet they wouldn't be hollerin 'oh it doesn't bother me' then!!  But you're right, its whatever...but...OH traffic is about to be at a minimal.  Just look at the BAF post for today...everybody has STOPPED loggin in lol
RNY 9/24/08
Surgery Weight - 344.4 
Revision to DS 9/22/10
Surgery Weight - 231.0 
Plastics 4/14/11 
Surgery Weight - 211.0
Current Weight - 179.8
Goal Weight - 160.0
I am staring at Ambition, shaking hands with Success, and smiling at Determination - What are YOU doing? *smirk*

"They ON IT cause they WANT IT!"

on 1/22/10 2:12 am
Shiiittt **** the info bout the surgery - I done said PLENTY other **** I don't want traced back!!!!  Hell - that post where I mentioned the bad one night stand, my crazy friend, my crazy mama..... well - my mama knows what I say about her ass - but hell - several folk have posted about things that happened to them, not intending for whomever they were talking about to read that ****!

Oh wait - I told that one nighter he was bad - so I don't care if he sees it either on FB......

but I still don't want my crazy friends seeing it!!!  Hell - what about the mofos I work WITH or that work FOR me?  HELL Naw I don't want them seeing my ****!  They would then know I have a HEART......

nah - gotta protect my image..... my BRAND.......
Tha Pinkster T.
on 1/22/10 2:25 am
Whoa! Whoa! I apologize for not being in the mix like I use to but is it my understanding that our pages are available in search engines????? If so, I am about to change the settings on my page.
Tis better to be dis-liked than to be loved by them cuz your always on their mind.   

Pretty In Pink
Graphics & Myspace layouts


on 1/22/10 2:27 am
LOL - don't 'pologize!

Anyone can take a thread and post it on FB by just clicking the share button at the top of the thread - when they do that, ALL the comments and replies are viewable and whomever looks at it can come back here. 

so if your avie pic is the REAL you and someone recognizes you and comes back here - they can read your profile, posting history - blah, blah, blah. 
on 1/22/10 2:27 am

Pink,  anyone can click on the link below and instantly upload threads to twitter, facebbok, google, and another one.  

This site has always been on the web but now it's just to dam easy being able to click a button and bam your on a HUGE social network with all your friends and family.

Salty Pickle a.k.a.  Lee
Her Royal Flyness
on 1/22/10 2:50 am

It's not even so much about the surgery, it's the stories that are shared...

"My crazy as MIL is a total ***** and if she says one more thing about me getting too skinny I'm gonna kill her."

"My husband is ******g me off and now that I've lost some weight I realize he aint hittin it right"

"My BF is ******g me off and I think she's a hater, should I tell her her husband hit on me?"

"I ran into an old boyfriend today and I was looking great, thinking about stepping out on my husband cause we've had problems ever since I started loosing weight"

OH g'fuck around and get somebody KILT

It is never too late to be what you might have been

~George Eliot
on 1/22/10 2:55 am
  I already had a 'incident' where my man read about me flirting and going out with a dude on here...... *I* ****** up and showed him the site (for a different thread, he made mental note and went back later) tho - that was MY bad........   I know - elementary slip! My pimp points have already been deducted and my fine paid!  LOL

for those who THINK they on they P's and Q's......... now you gotta watchcha back!!!!!
(deactivated member)
on 1/22/10 3:33 am, edited 1/22/10 3:34 am - Sweet Dreams lives in , PA
Yeah...and I don't want nobody finding out that I was all happy as heyl to FINALLY get some D!ck either ...truth be told. Heyl..the way I feel about it....before if someone found this site and traced shioot back to me....my argument would have been...WTF you searching me for??? That's grounds for some discrimination,  profiling or some ish....but now they can say...hey..I just happened upon your shioot on somebody's face book page.  Heyl don't folks know that most businesses and organizations have FB pages of their own. All somebody has to do now is link your shioot to your job's FB page AND your azz is busted for not only some of the shioot you have posted but for using company hours for non work related activities (everything is time traced on here). Heyl before if they (my job) had pushed me up against a wall....I would have said..."OH saved me from coming in here blasting on some days!!!" LOL! j/k...but I sure would have used it and went on ahead with my disability claim...cause I have enough to substantiate it...with some of the crazy arse shioot I have posted on here...LOL! Ya'll thought I was sleepin...but my arse is very aware.     This has been a good stress reliever for me NOT to mention that I felt that I have helped others with my openness. Many people send me B/L messages saying that they appreciate what I said on more than one occasion. I know the same can be said of you MM and so many others.

I know that the people that might not have as much an issue with these new sharing options are the ones that have not shared on an in-depth level or given up...much REAL TALK....yet most have benefited.  If that had been the case for me..playing it safe...I might not be as far along as I am.  I have to thank OH and BAF for that much...but now they have just **** up my stress reliever!!!.....now I have to go somewhere else and lay my shioot out there so that I can be productive and function out here. BTW...I owe ya'll some co-pays...LOL! Hit me on the BL with your info and I will put the check in the mail....Lmao!   Sometimes feeling as if I had the weight of the world on my shoulders coming here helped me and I know others.

Well...my mind is my referee and it just called a  

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