Facebook HATERS! How would you react?

Carol *
on 1/21/10 5:05 am
I am not the type of person that uses the word “hater" that often.  This is actually the first time I experienced what I think is are “haters" I posted a picture of me and my daughter in my facebook album. (posted pic on profile). I received positive comments from my fb friends. UNTIL I read this post from my COUSIN… “GET A LIFE!  Taking pics in the bathroom is GHETTO!" I couldn’t believe my own COUSIN would post that on my picture for all my fb friends to see! My response to her was to take her own advise and get a life and stop drinking that HATERADE! I then DELETED her from my fb friends—this is not the first time she has posted a negative comment on my wall/pics. What would you have done? Then the next day I get a message on my fb WALL from my SUPPOSED TO BE FRIEND friend that says…"Girl you look good. Are you sure you didn’t have your stomach stapled?"    I was soooooooo MAD that she posted that on my fb WALL for EVERYONE to see! This chick had TWO FAILED surgeries! She weighed 300+ pounds…had the surgery…got down to 140 pounds…GAINED and went back up to 401 pounds…had the surgery AGAIN…lost and weighed 170 pounds…NOW TIPPING THE SCALE AT 300+ POUNDS AGAIN!!!    When I was researching my surgery, I told her about it and she said, "I don't think you weigh enough to have the surgery" SHE OFFERED NO SUPPORT! So I decided not to discuss it with her and I never told her that I had it. I was disappointed because I thought she would be the one person that would offer support! Actually, none of my friends gave me support when I told them I was looking into it. That’s why I decided that I wouldn't tell them. She suspects that I had the surgery. She even mentioned at my wedding that I didn't eat much and asked me how I lost so much weight.   She emails me every now and then. She will complain about gaining weight again and joke about having another surgery then she will say something slick like, “speaking of surgery; how did you lose all that weight?" I tell her that I control my portions and try to eat healthy--which is true! LOL! I am disappointed that she went as far as posting that on my fb page! She would always hint around to it, but she NEVER asked me that when she emails, calls or texts me, BUT she decided to post it on fb for EVERYONE to see! My fb friends consist of long time friends, classmates, past and present co-workers.  Not all my friends/co-workers knew the BIG CAROL and ONLY a few know I had WLS. I completed the C25K running program and currently doing GW28K.  I have the ap on my iphone so after each run it posts to my fb page.  I have over 50 running posts on my page. I only post my runs and update my pics every so often. She sees that I am working hard a trying to keep my weight off so why would she do that?  Why didn’t she call me or email me? Needless to say, I deleted her post.  I did not respond to the post.  I want to email her and ask her what her intentions were.  My husband says I should just leave it alone, but it really bothers me that she did that!   So, do you think I should call her and cuss her the hell out? Or should I leave it alone? What would you do?  
on 1/21/10 5:43 am - Somewhere, TX
Okay, I am with your husband, how many times do you need to get kicked in the teeth before you decide to do something about it.  This chick has never been supportive; but she is still around. She makes disparaging comments about you; yet she is still around. She doesn't acknowledge your successes but wants to remind you of past failures; and she is still around....I'm sorry if I sound harsh, but she is NOT the problem.  She is living her life the way she wants to and is probably as happy as a clam about it.

Look friends are for a season; you need to decide if you are living for seasons to come or for the seasons past.
Carol *
on 1/21/10 5:59 am
Thanks Shay. You are so right! I had my surgery over three years ago and she's still bitter!
on 1/21/10 7:37 am - Somewhere, TX
There is one type of person I would never try to rehabilitate or incorporate in my life....that is the JEALOUS, aka bitter.  There is nothing you as a human being can do with a spirit of jealousy but pray for the person.  That person is usually dangerous (maybe not physically but mentally and emotionally, definitely) and needs to be as far from a person bent on bettering themselves and finding health and positivity.

You know what to do don't let emotions get in the way of what God is telling you.
on 1/21/10 5:47 am
when someone tells you who they are - believe them.

I don't just have issues, I have subscriptions!  I'm saving on the newsstand price.......

Check out my dating mis - adventures at: http://1macdatinggame.blogspot.com/

Carol *
on 1/21/10 6:02 am
Amen! Thanks Trina. I need to post that on my fb status! LOL!
Just Kim
on 1/21/10 7:56 am
Most times people don't "tell" you who they are. 

They "show" you.

Believe them.

Sorry that happen to you.

122 lbs. lost since surgery on June 11, 2009
Carol *
on 1/21/10 8:50 pm
Thanks Kim.
MSW will not settle
on 1/21/10 6:27 am
Don't give her so much control.  Your husband is right.  However, I would have responded with just what you've told her in the past followed by too bad your wls plural didn't work out for you.  For all to see of course.    I'm not always one for the high road myself. 

                   MSW   Roux-En-Y Gastric Bypass: Eat sensibly & enjoy moderation  

 Links:  Are you a compulsive eater?  for help OA meets on-line Keep Coming Back, One Day At a Time  Overeaters Anonymous 


on 1/21/10 6:45 am - Somewhere, TX

You funny!


But fuuunnnnyyy!

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