Dreaded Hole in the Afro Has Begun (pic)
If you want to see it, go to my pics & look in the Hair Issues Album. I will post pics of the wig after I get it. I guess I'll be a real Diva when I add the wig to my new frame. LOL!
I wear a natural also, and have been considering going even shorter, have you ever considered cutting it down a little closer, or maybe even something similar to the way Amber Rose has her hair cut.. I am going to take mine all the way down when I get closer to my goal weight. It is going to be my gift to myself... I just need to get closer to that weight to make it happen... Good luck and I hope you find a solution that leaves you feeling like the Diva you are!
No matter what you decide I know you will look great. You have done a great job with your tool and you look amazing. I also think you remind me of my sister, I will send you her name on the BL, I am sure you know of her, she lives in Nashville also... Good luck with your new do, and congrats on your success!
Mine changed texture...at least the front did. The kitchen is still mandango, lol.

I think you will be a real DIVA regardless
The only person that is with us our entire life, is ourselves. Live while you are alive