Gabourey Sidibe Precious Star wtf??? Who dressed her last night for the Golden...

Dimple Donna
on 1/19/10 2:13 pm - Chicago, IL

Ziggy you always have such profound responses - and I agree with you...I will not respond to the author of the post because some of the responses were plain hateful and cruel.  Although I may not have personally chosen that dress for a young woman her age to wear, nevertheless it was her choice...she is a beautiful young lady, with the sweetest personality to go along with her beauty...and I ain't mad at her!

As for Monique's hairy legs...I actually don't see what all the hype is about women having hair on their legs anyway - there are lots of men who think that hairy legs is sexy on a Black woman...I say, DO YOU! **wishing I had some semblance of hair on my dayum legs...I'm jes sayin'!**


I choose to love myself, live life to the fullest, and encourage others to liberate themselves!
263.jpg image by DimpleDonna228.jpg image by DimpleDonna
on 1/19/10 10:53 am
OK..The green dress was a BIG NO NO!! I mean she was on the red carpet for crying out loud! That dress looks like something from a Salvation Army clothes rack (no offense SalVAl). She (as a big girl) should know that when you're going to be around skinny B*** all night, you need to bring your A- game, and represent for the big girls around the world. This was her night to show people that she was a big, sexy girl and pround of it but this dress made her look a little homeless to me. Now, the seond two pictures with the pink and blue dress were amazing and made her look absolutely marvelous so I don't have much to say about them other than she rocked them last two dresses up there.

In the midst of winter, I found in me an invincible summer ~ Albert Camus
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