OT - If ya think I'm sexxy
on 1/18/10 10:25 pm
Ayy yo,
What up and What the deal my ninjas and ninjettes? Hope you're all doing fine and dandy, living life to the fullest in the new year and all that.
Now that I've got that out of the way somewhat, here's what I want to talk to the fellas (and ladies too) about today: unsightly nose hairs. As a man you know you're getting old(er) when you find yourself being ever so conscious during your daily grooming regimine to include clipping your snout hairs. Now some of us have gotten those little "hair trimmers" that look like mini *****es as gifts for Xmas and some of us have been proactive enough to run out and cop one on our own. That's great! Now for the next step - Use them sunza*****es. Ain't nothing less fly about a brotha that has all sorts of mini bird nests (complete with tiny eggs) all bunched up in the gateway of his nasal passages unbeknownst to a ninja. Ladies I'll say it for ya - "Yuk!" Look, homie, clip, clip and snip, snip or you won't be pulling none of the honey-dips.
Man o' man, I had to learn my lesson the hard way. I was in line at Wal-Mart and I kept feeling something tickling my upper lip. Thinking to myself, why won't this pesky fly or gnat leave me the hell alone. Low and behold, it was a stray hair that I had to pluck. This sucker was so long and thick, I swear schoolkids in Harlem could've jumped double-dutch with it on the sidewalk. I quickly left the line and headed back over to the shaving section and picked me up a hair trimmer. My fear was that I'd better get it before my ear hairs start growing and reaching out to pull folks in when I can't hear what they are saying.
Speak on it BAF. Holla atcha boy.
That extra patch of hair that grows in between the eyes that will make the eyebrows grow together and look like the person is vying for Bert's job on Sesame Street.
Nothing sends chills up my spine more than seeing a woman sporting a goatee! Heyl if shes gonna sport one...at least get that shioot trimmed so we know its there on purpose.
The number one things that says...I am not looking for a partner...is a woman that wears a straight haired wig or weave but has all kinds of nappy azz hair coming from underneath it in the back with kinky azz sideburns.

LOL!!!! I feel you! That’s why I have an appt tomorrow at the laser place to get my chin fried and I’m going to use part of my tax refund money to purchase sessions for my upper lip……..
I don't just have issues, I have subscriptions! I'm saving on the newsstand price.......
Check out my dating mis - adventures at: http://1macdatinggame.blogspot.com/
Ayy yo,
What up and What the deal my ninjas and ninjettes? Hope you're all doing fine and dandy, living life to the fullest in the new year and all that.
Now that I've got that out of the way somewhat, here's what I want to talk to the fellas (and ladies too) about today: unsightly nose hairs. As a man you know you're getting old(er) when you find yourself being ever so conscious during your daily grooming regimine to include clipping your snout hairs. Now some of us have gotten those little "hair trimmers" that look like mini *****es as gifts for Xmas and some of us have been proactive enough to run out and cop one on our own. That's great! Now for the next step - Use them sunza*****es. Ain't nothing less fly about a brotha that has all sorts of mini bird nests (complete with tiny eggs) all bunched up in the gateway of his nasal passages unbeknownst to a ninja. Ladies I'll say it for ya - "Yuk!" Look, homie, clip, clip and snip, snip or you won't be pulling none of the honey-dips.
Man o' man, I had to learn my lesson the hard way. I was in line at Wal-Mart and I kept feeling something tickling my upper lip. Thinking to myself, why won't this pesky fly or gnat leave me the hell alone. Low and behold, it was a stray hair that I had to pluck. This sucker was so long and thick, I swear schoolkids in Harlem could've jumped double-dutch with it on the sidewalk. I quickly left the line and headed back over to the shaving section and picked me up a hair trimmer. My fear was that I'd better get it before my ear hairs start growing and reaching out to pull folks in when I can't hear what they are saying.
Speak on it BAF. Holla atcha boy.
"My fear was that I'd better get it before my ear hairs start growing and reaching out to pull folks in when I can't hear what they are saying."
My ear hairs started a few years ago......................I guess I'm already an old guy...LOL.