I think I should seek help...

on 1/17/10 4:37 am - Milwaukee, WI
I'm 6 weeks postop and I'm just not happy!  I keep second guessing my decision which is making me miserable.  I know that I'm only second guessing cause I miss food which at one point was almost like a best friend.  I've never thought so hard about what I'm going to eat before in my life.  Before I could just pick up something for lunch and eat without any second guessing.  Now I'm checking nutritional values and everything else.  I miss my soda, I miss my coffee, and its almst like I miss my life.  My friends tell me I'm crazy and it can't possibly be this hard so I should just chill out.  My "boo" keeps telling me to get over it because whats done is done.  I'm at a point where I want to eat what I want to eat just to see what will happen to me.  Anyway I just needed to get this off my chest cause I feel like I'm taking this tool forgranted but I'm seriously not happy at the moment.

Loving my new life and all the wonderful things that go with it, on to my next journey!  99 pounds down and about 10 more to go but it has been a heck of a ride...
on 1/17/10 4:41 am
what you're feeling is normal.  This is a huge adjustment for you - you're having to restructure and change a major thing in your life. 

Missing your old habits is just a part of the process.  You'll learn to change your relationship with food and it won't be such a focal point and big concern.  But....... for now - yea - it's gonna suck sometimes. 

I don't just have issues, I have subscriptions!  I'm saving on the newsstand price.......

Check out my dating mis - adventures at: http://1macdatinggame.blogspot.com/

(deactivated member)
on 1/17/10 6:41 am - Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI
Ya know...I went through the same thing....and still do occasionally.  I think I miss the freedom of having what I want, when I want.  I often have to stop and tell myself...that freedom got me to the point I was at.  You're feelings are completely normal and to be expected. Find alternatives for things you love-Try decaf coffee.  Make it a special treat with more expensive, exotic flavor creamers.  Instead of soda....find a beverage replacement. For me, Crystal Light, with a little plain carbonated water worked.  I know people will say carbonation stretches out your pouch....I think TOO much carbonation will damage your pouch.  Everything has to be within reason.  I think this journey is much easier if you learn to adjust, rather than deny.  I used to love Little Debbie snack cakes. Specifically-Oatmeal Cream pies.  Well those dont fair well in my pouch.  I found some low-fat, sugar free oatmeal cookies.  I have 1 with a teasepoon of FF Cool Whip, and I'm ok.  It will get easier though-I promise. Good Luck.

P.S. My surgeon told me, the only way to find out if you can tolerate something.....is to try it at home.  A small amount of something may or may not affect you in a negative way.

MSW will not settle
on 1/17/10 6:44 am
This is why we have psych evaluations before approval.  Its a lot to wrap your head around.  You are normal.  This is an entirely new way of life.  You must evaluate everything you eat from now on.  

You knew this was not any easy option.  It will become natural after some time but it will always involve sacrafice.  Just bear in mind that eating the easy way got you obese and would keep you there untill it killed you. 

Your friends have no clue how hard this really is nor should they be expected to.  For wls patients its the hard healthy way.  The easy way is to just stay fat.  You will get past this.  If you can get psych help, take it.  Use all the support you can get. 

                   MSW   Roux-En-Y Gastric Bypass: Eat sensibly & enjoy moderation  

 Links:  Are you a compulsive eater?  for help OA meets on-line Keep Coming Back, One Day At a Time  Overeaters Anonymous 


on 1/17/10 8:08 am - Irvington, NJ
That feeling will get easier but it will never go away.  I am 2 1/2yrs out and still wake up someday still wishing for some of the simple things that I use to eat.  

I have also learned not talk to talk to people who have not gone through WLS because they don't know and don't understand that it is not as easy as they think.  Find yourself a support group where you can go talk to people face to face for me that really helped

Just remember if you could have done it on your own without this tool you would not have been over weight in the first place.

Kathleen T.
on 1/17/10 8:29 am
I'm almost 2 1/2 years out and having more problem this year at least the end of last year.  With the lost of my brother at Thanksgiving and then my father for Christmas it has been a battle with the food it's getting better.  Although some of the foods I ate in the pass with out any problem have began giving me a lost of trouble,milk, and other foods.  I was just getting a hold on it when my best friend 14yr daughter passed away after a 1 1/2 battle with cancer.  It just brought so many memories back.  But through it all I will get back on track.YOU CAN DO THIS WHEN YOU START GETTING THOSE W-O-W MOMENT YOU WILL ENJOY YOUR TOOL. If you feel as though you need help get it and then find a support group. GOOD LUCK AND MAY GOD GRANT YOU THE STRENGTH TO DO THIS. 

It's easy to screw up DON"T We all have Our trying times. 
"A Man's heart plans his way, But the Lord directs his steps. 
Proverb 16:9
May not be where I want to be but I glad to be where I'm at.
Working at getting the rest of the way.

12/10/2012 I'll be having LBL, BL/BA, thigh & arm lift, eyelid
Body by Dr. Sauceda    booked to 12/9--12/22
Sweet 'N' Sassy
on 1/17/10 8:38 am - Bolingbrook, IL
I'm not one of the experts here but everyone has given you great advice so far.  I have not had my procedure yet and i am changing my habits and it's hard, so i cannot imagine what you are going through.

I talk to my mom alot, cuz food is my addiction it always will be, so i decided i needed to change my way of thinking which has pr oven to be even harder. and mom quoted Dr. oz, she said she watched his show and he said it takes 2 weeks for the mind to change a thinking pattern.  I know it can be done, i would obsess and think about food all the time, now i am determined to not do that anymore to make the transition after surgery more successful. 

The people on the boards are great and you will always find support, good luck
on 1/17/10 8:48 am - Las Vegas, NV
I did it. Not saying take my road.  But I got to the point where I sad forget all this counting and nutrition stuff and just said Imma see what happens.  Now for me, it didnt hinder my weight loss.  But I also understand that it must be done in moderation.  I have some days that I eat whatever I feel like but for the most part eating right is just ingrained in me.  But you have to decide for yourself if its worth the risk because you may not be like me and it may hinder you.  So its a decision you must make for yourself everyones journey is different.  Also let me add that probably had I done a bit better with my tool I would be at my goal right now instead of 25 lbs away but Im ok with it because I cant ever remember a time where I was 25lbs away from any goal weight LOL


5 feet tall and gorgeous at any weight!!!!

on 1/17/10 9:18 am - Baltimore, MD
 This is a tough journey, but it's 20% physical and 80% mental. This is where the mental part kicks in.  You can do this. When I was newly post-op I watched the Food Network all day, every day in those early weeks. I also noticed all of the food commercials on TV. Never did a double whopper look so good. But, at 6 weeks out I couldn't "go rogue" and eat what I wanted. I was barely able to get all my protein in, and forget eating, I couldn't do a whole lot of it. So, you might think you can do what you want, but you have physical restrictions that will not allow it. You need support. Please try to find a support group to help you deal with the mental side of this journey. 
on 1/18/10 5:34 am - Las Vegas, NV
to Ziggy, I feel you on the Food Network.  I swear I was so addicted to the Food Network my first couple of mos post op. But it also helped me to see the portions and realize how much food I was shoveling in my mouth.  But you are so right, it is definitly early to go rogue.  I dont think I tried that until I think my 3rd month.  I may have had some things every now and again that wasnt the best choice but to totally wing it, it was about my 3rd or 4th month.


5 feet tall and gorgeous at any weight!!!!

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