Hey BAF people, its SUNDAY. Late afternoon. Hope were all enjoying the weekend. Sorry so late but I ran Windows update. Fifty percent of the time I end up holding my ankles for microsoft whenever I do this. I've been bent over since yeasterday. Had to do a full revovery of my os. Now down to it.
Tell the whole truth and be accountable. If you've had a good week have you remained steady over the weekend? If the week was marginal, are you using the weekend to come correct? It only need be a cluster fcku if you make it so.
Stay in control folks. Fix any issues right now. Get ready for the week ahead. Happy Sunday all.
... All are welcome, jump in at anytime.
For reference:
5 Day Pouch Test website http://www.5daypouchtest.com/plan/theplan.html
5 Day Pouch Test Instructions
Protein Train Instructions http://www.obesityhelp.com/forums/black_american/3993571/Protein-Train-Educate-me-please/#32309205
Wagon Plan Instructions
MSW Roux-En-Y Gastric Bypass: Eat sensibly & enjoy moderation
Links: Are you a compulsive eater? for help OA meets on-line Keep Coming Back, One Day At a Time Overeaters Anonymous
Well its almost biblical. After forty days and forty nights I have at last lost half a pound.
The December steroid weight gain is gone and I've posted a tiny loss of 0.6 lbs. No stats since I have not tracked yesterday. I did miss a dose of my vits, otherwise it was an ok day. I kept the protein high; had a few carbs in the form of whole grain lc bread and a tortilla also whole grain lc; 80 oz liquids including a quart of plain water.
Today, sticking with keeping that protein above 150g. Its time to get next week figured out. I know I'll keep the protein high but not what I feel like eating just yet.
I didn't do well yesterday - really didn't eat MAYBE got to 1000 calories which I know is way too low. I still ain't interested in eating but I did cook so there will be things around that I can get in something.
Working through my batch of tea and about to start taking down babygirl's hair - she HATES it, and so do I, but it must be done!!!
I'd wanted to hit the gym, but after cleaning my kitchen and fridge and cooking..... I's tired boss!!! I'm about to take a 30min break before doing this takedown. I will be in the gym tomorrow tho - no doubt about that!
I don't just have issues, I have subscriptions! I'm saving on the newsstand price.......
Check out my dating mis - adventures at: http://1macdatinggame.blogspot.com/