on 1/18/10 5:48 am - Atlanta, GA
I'm an adoptive parent and participate in various adoption forums.  Adoption in general is just not a friendly system for blacks to navigate.  My husband and I got through it and it was irritating as heck.  There were points where my husband said "why do they need to know this or that?"  The background checks... the financial statements...home inspections... we as black folks are just not feeling all that intrusion into our personal lives.

Adoption fees is another issue...  Unless you go through foster care where it's free adoption it is expensive.  Some of my husband's family thought we were crazy for paying what we did for our daughters adoption.  I just find it sad that people will cough up the cash for a car but not for a child. 

Adoption perceptions... Some black folks equate adoption fees with buying a person like slaves were bought and sold. 
There's a lot of men who flat out to refuse to raise some other man's son.  That's why girls are usually adopted in most cases. 

Haitian adoptions used to be cheap... around 5 thousand and now it looks like they are up to 16 thousand.  That's a bargain to a lot of white couple who usually pay 30-50 for a white baby if they can find one.

Now for the disaster relief...  It just tends to be disorganized by it's nature.  It's one thing to organize something for paying folks with paid employees and another with volunteers without specialized training and working unpredictable donations. 
(deactivated member)
on 1/18/10 8:03 am - ~Somewhere in~, PA

Lashelle are you donating anything to Haiti? And are YOU WILLING or KNOW of any other black families that are WILLING to STEP up and  adopt and care for some of these homeless babies that NEED parents?

on 1/18/10 11:58 am - STOCKBRIDGE, GA
No I am not donating. I truly feel it would never make it to the people that need it.

I am sure there are a lot of black people that would like to adopt Hatian kids now that they are aware of the need, but just like Tsunami said it costs money. 

As for me adopting? Oh lawd... I have 5 months til my son graduates and I will be a free lady.  I don't even want to be responsible for feeding a goldfish.

               **** I AM AN OH SUPPORT GROUP LEADER ****
No dumping.  Highest percentage of weight loss, Best long term results,  Won't regain weight!  Eat normal sized meals,  96% diabeties, 90% high blood pressure, 80% sleep apnea cured.                                    I  MY DS!
My doctor told me to stop having intimate dinners for four unless there were three other people.    ~Orson Wells  

Tha Pinkster T.
on 1/18/10 1:45 pm
AS a matter of fact, if it wasn't for the process that I am in now my mother and I already discussed adopting a child or two from Haiti. I'll keep you posted! 
Tis better to be dis-liked than to be loved by them cuz your always on their mind.   

Pretty In Pink
Graphics & Myspace layouts


Tha Pinkster T.
on 1/18/10 1:30 pm
Lashelle, you are my friend tonight! I was just discussing this and then some with accquaintances, friends, and family.

1. After seeing so many Caucasians on tv crying for their Haitian Babies my mother and I turned to each other and stated these people are getting a fat monthly check for those children. Obviously, we don't need to be educated on this let's keep it in the circle ie white folks. Sad so sad!

2. Caucasians celebs are structuring Telethons to take donations. So, Obama pledged $100 Million dollars in aid to Haiti and Caucasian celebs are keeping telethons to take money from the struggling people in the US that are trying to keep their homes and live alittle. hmmmm. I know many Haitians and not one have said that they are making a pledge.

3. Already occured.

4. Prozac, Redbull,

5. See #2

6. Chicken, beans, and rice is not going to happen as they are still in the midst of the effect of the earthquake. What they should've sent is some high protein bars (Atkins, Jillian Michaels, etc) or even some Redbull.

7.Send the Mexicans! 

8. Here is where **** is going to fly off from other bafers. The Dominican Republic is afraid of Haiti because it is their belief that Port Au Prince suffered because of their voo doo use. Their belief is that the Haitians burried too much negativity within the earth (St Joseph's root, voo doo dolls, coffins, etc) to harm the innocents and the earth decided to purge itself resulting in the earth quake. Interesting! Many people believe that New Orleans needed a purge as well but who knows! I've had Dominican Friends and Haitian friends verbalize this information face to face.

9. The Haitian Officials are probably taking whatever gold and silver is left in the county and planning their exile.

10. Red bull

11. This country was not prepared for any type of natural or spiritual disaster. I say spiritual because to some God the father is a spiritual deity as well as the sun, flowers, ground, air, etc and maybe just maybe God is challenging Haiti as he challenges us everyday.
Tis better to be dis-liked than to be loved by them cuz your always on their mind.   

Pretty In Pink
Graphics & Myspace layouts


on 1/19/10 3:22 am - Atlanta, GA

Let me know if you find anything about fostering kids from Haiti.  I heard they are sending kids to the US to be fostered.  I don't think I can talk my husband into adopting again but he'll probably be open to fostering some kids. 
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