on 1/18/10 2:57 am - Covington, GA
If you are so against the US why don't you move away since this is such a terrible country to live in and stop *****ing about it.  Why don't you take some time off of work and go to Haiti yourself and volunteer?

Ok Im tired of writing on this racist forum so bye and have a nice life being negative all the time.


(deactivated member)
on 1/18/10 3:51 am - Sweet Dreams lives in , PA
@ Ok Im tired of writing on this racist forum

WOW!!! You just lumped everyone in one basket! NOT 
on 1/18/10 4:11 am - Covington, GA


on 1/18/10 4:36 am - IL
If you feel the POST is racist, why not debate your views and beliefs?

If you feel the FORUM is racist.....Peace & Hair Grease 

Everyone is entitled to their opinion. We can't always agree....

Just my $.02.....


**Weight loss since June 08**


Tha Pinkster T.
on 1/18/10 1:40 pm
On January 18, 2010 at 5:15 AM Pacific Time, merehern wrote:
NO, but they are the majority illegal population and the most visual in society.  I work for family and children services and can't count the number of Americal citizens that are turned down for assistance, but we give illegal aliens food stamps and emergency Medicaid.  Now how does that make sense?

But I'm guessing you wouldn't have a problem if it were Haitians coming here illegaly and getting food stamps and medicaid.

Duuh, but where is the food and where is the rescue effort? You potentially have 100,000 people dead and more than that homeless and destitute, and there are 30 rescue teams of mostly volunteers. Note they are not Red Cross rescue teams, so that doesn't factor into that financial equation anyway. It just ain't happening fast enough.   Come on, I know you are smarter than that. If that money is supposed to go to help the victims in these tragedies, then where is the money. Why do I still have people on y caseload from Katrina still in FEMA housing. Why haven't those neighborhoods been rebuilt? What makes you think they'll be anymore fiscally responsible with the money raised for Haiti. It will pad somebody's pockets and go to their corrupt gov't.

Rome wasn't built in a day sweetheart.  And remember, we are not obligated by any means to help them at all.  We are helping them because it is the right thing to do.  Help is getting there. And how do you figure there are not Red Cross rescue teams out there? Turn on the news and you will see the Red Cross out there searching also. 

If they can get 3000 cruise passengers there and feed and entertain them, why can't they use the same methods to get aid to the people. And if there is 1 runway, why isn't the 1 runway being used?  The runways were not closed during Hurricaine Katrina and look what happened there!  A closed runway.  What about shipping in supplies, Port au Prince is a port city afterall, helicopters, whatever.  By now they coulda strapped a box of food to a camel's back and walked it to them. That's some bulls*it. I bet their president and his crew aren't eating any vitamin biscuits and sleeping on a cardboard box.

That I have to agree with somewhat. Only the part about the runway not being used. The runway is being used, it is just packed with planes.

It's a black thing, you just wouldn't understand.... It's just weird and creepy.  Now if people from Nigeria or Ghana were coming over here adopting poor desperate white children folks would be up in arms.  Does it make sense when you think of it that way?      

No, it wouldn't make sense, seing as though those are 3rd world countries.

Hey Meredith! Welcome to Baf! 

I am only going to answer your first question as my hands are tired from typing all day.

I would be pissed off if all of the Haitians coming here illegally received food stamps and medicaid.

My family is from Jamaica West Indies. My mother didn't send for my Jamaican born silbings until her and my father obtained decent jobs. They didn't utilize the social service resources because they didn't believe in sitting on your ass living off of the sweat of others. I am an American Born Citizen but some of the youth would refer to as a West Indian American or Jamerican. I worked since the age of 14 years old on the books! I pay my taxes and I pay my dues. I had to pay out of pocket for Undergrad and Grad Schools. I wasn't able to receive Medicaid when my mom was out of work and I was sick (10 years old). I've seen cousins and the daughters of Rajah's from India come here and receive full scholarships. Heck Yea! I would be pissed off! 
Tis better to be dis-liked than to be loved by them cuz your always on their mind.   

Pretty In Pink
Graphics & Myspace layouts


on 1/18/10 2:05 am - IL
 Just a few comments on your opinions...

1. I don't care what the color of the adopted parents are. *I* personally know a "weird creepy looking suburban white couple that have failed fertility treatments" couple who adopted a child from Haiti. Their experience was costly and it took them two years to finalize. They wanted to give a child a chance who didn't not have the resources that are available in the US. Yes, we have a jacked up foster care system, but I thank God for people who go outside of the norm to help mankind regardless of race, color or creed.

2. if we spend 100 million to rebuild that stuff won't it just get flattened again in September or October? Haiti's buildings are not built to code for earthquakes. Unlike California and other areas that lay upon a fault line, they are rigged up as simple structures. 

3. The vitamin biscuits are quick, needs no clean water or gas (which they don't have) to prepare. The main goal is to ensure that they are receiving their nutrients. Rice is empty.

4. Your comments on  "illegal Mexicans" is racist.

5. "The best thing you can do for Hatians is send your prayers, because I honestly think sending money over there is a waste." Perhaps SOME of it is wasted, but the millions that are raised will help. Money is what they need!

Just my opinion....


**Weight loss since June 08**


on 1/18/10 2:58 am - Covington, GA
I agree!!!


Tha Pinkster T.
on 1/18/10 1:42 pm

What I interpreteted Lashelle's reference to the Mexicans as "When it comes to beautifician, concrete structuring, etc the Mexican's know how to hold it down". Just like when it comes to highly fashionable shoes the English and French know how to hold it down! 
Tis better to be dis-liked than to be loved by them cuz your always on their mind.   

Pretty In Pink
Graphics & Myspace layouts


on 1/18/10 3:51 am - STOCKBRIDGE, GA
Ok Im tired of writing on this racist forum so bye and have a nice life being negative all the time.

I see you blocked me LOL.  How are you gonna be offended by black people on a black forum discussing black current events affecting our people.   And what about that makes us racist?

               **** I AM AN OH SUPPORT GROUP LEADER ****
No dumping.  Highest percentage of weight loss, Best long term results,  Won't regain weight!  Eat normal sized meals,  96% diabeties, 90% high blood pressure, 80% sleep apnea cured.                                    I  MY DS!
My doctor told me to stop having intimate dinners for four unless there were three other people.    ~Orson Wells  

on 1/18/10 7:49 am - Covington, GA
First of all I did not block you.  Secondly, expressing your views doesn't make you racist.  But calling people "weird looking suburban white couples" and talking about "Illegal Mexicans" does.  So get your facts straight before you come at me.


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