It's been a dud tv day, so I've been watching CNN and noticed a couple of things about this Haiti coverage:
1st if I see one more weird creepy looking suburban white couple that have failed fertility treatments crying about their "child" in Haiti, I'm gonna puke. What's up with that? Is there some kinda black market for Hatian babies? You know somebody is getting paid in the baby trade. Why aren' black folks adopting these kids? Just a thought.
2nd have seen several white celebs and politicians speaking out and pledging support. Besides Wycleff and Lauren Hill, why aren't our people stepping up?
3rd those reporters keep talking about the poor starving people, but aren't the reporters eating? At some point will the starving Hatians ambush the news trucks?
4. Does Andersen Cooper ever sleep?
5 if we spend 100 million to rebuild that stuff won't it just get flattened again in September or October? Doesn't Haiti get flattened every few years anyway? Are they gonna build hurricaine resistant structures?
6. If we are giving millions of $$$ why are they giving those people some damned dry biscuits enriched with vitamins? What kinda **** is a dried vitamin biscuit. I woulda threw that crap back at them too! Can a sista get some chicken n rice and beans with the vitamin biscuits? I mean people are giving millions, billions of dollars. What are they doing with all that money. Same as the money we gave to bail out the banks and auto makersd troo I guess?
7 If illegal Mexicans can build a whole neighborhood in less than a week with sidewalks and landscaping to boot, why can't they get those folks some tents and some decent food and healthcare??? Do we need to send the illegals over there to get stuff in check?
8. What's goiing on on the other side of Haiti? Cruises are still porting in Labadee? It's a beautiful resort area in case you didn't know. Now, I'm not saying the cruises should stop going there cause their economy needs the $$$, but if the other side of the island is nice enough for Americans and Europeand to eat, drink, and be merry in, why can't they send some of those resources to Port au Prince or send some of the suffering people to Labadee or Dominican Republic?
They can ferry 3000 cruise passengers and a catered lunch and fruity drinks, provide music and entertainment, and souveniers for purchase, but they can't drop rations beacuse they're afraid the hungry Hatians will hurt each other fighting over it? Come on ya'll!!!
Just because one part of the island was damaged does not mean the whole thing is damaged. When there is an earthquake in Sanfrancisco, people still chill on the beach in LA. Hmmm???
9. I wonder where the Hatian gov't officials are? (See point 8). I'm thinkin they're having a rum n coke with the cruise passengers in Labadee.
10. Really when does Anderson Cooper sleep???
11. Why did the Haitian president put USA in charge? Rememer how we were in charge with Katrina? We don't exactly have a good track record with being in charge you know.
Do you know some of those people are still getting FEMA housing. (I know cause I work at family and children services. They coulda built them a house by now, but they just send a check for temporary housing every quarter. After this many years is it temporary?)
I know this is a horrible tragic thing, but when you look at the whole picture it really does make you pause and think about things in a different perspective.
Do you think you sacrificing a new outfit to donate to the cause is really going to help the people? Those people were poor and disenfranchised last week and will be no better off this time next year and you will be $20 broker (not a word). The best thing you can do for Hatians is send your prayers, because I honestly think sending money over there is a waste. I really don't think it will go to the people that need it. Their gov't just is not gonna let it happen. Why do you think they risk life and limb to float on a homemasde raft to get to the states while theur president lives in a damned palace?
Think about all the money people gave for Katrina victims and tsunami victims. Are those people any better off? NO!
Stuff like this really ****** me off!
WHY I CHOSE DS: No dumping. Highest percentage of weight loss, Best long term results, Won't regain weight! Eat normal sized meals, 96% diabeties, 90% high blood pressure, 80% sleep apnea cured. I MY DS!
My doctor told me to stop having intimate dinners for four unless there were three other people. ~Orson Wells

Royal Caribbean's private beach destination in Haiti, Labadee, was undamaged by this week's massive earthquake in the country, but the company is awaiting approval from the Haitian government before it resumes visits to the destination.
"Site inspections of Labadee, Haiti, our private destination, report no apparent damage to our buildings, pier and attractions," the company says in a
from royal carribean's website:
![]() |

It's been a dud tv day, so I've been watching CNN and noticed a couple of things about this Haiti coverage:
1st if I see one more weird creepy looking suburban white couple that have failed fertility treatments crying about their "child" in Haiti, I'm gonna puke. What's up with that? Is there some kinda black market for Hatian babies? You know somebody is getting paid in the baby trade. Why aren' black folks adopting these kids? Just a thought.
Unfortunately, WE don't even adopt US black babies. I was a mobile therapist working with Kids in the foster care system for some time. Not only are our numbers low when it comes to foster parenting, its even lower when it comes to adoption. I think some of it is cultural...you know ...valuing blood ties more. Then again...it might be the fact that there are so many hoops to jump through...and WE really don't want folks all up in our business like that... I have not done any formal research on the matter BUT these are my suspicions. Not to mention that a lot of us already parent some other family members child(ren).
2nd have seen several white celebs and politicians speaking out and pledging support. Besides Wycleff and Lauren Hill, why aren't our people stepping up?
I am wondering the same thing.
3rd those reporters keep talking about the poor starving people, but aren't the reporters eating? At some point will the starving Hatians ambush the news trucks?
I think that the rogue element might eventually come out and do the crime BUT any one with any idea of what is going on.....better understand that the MEDIA is the only way that they might get the help they need. At least, I hope they stop long enough before doing anything rash. Yet deperation make you do desperate things.
4. Does Andersen Cooper ever sleep?
I love Anderson....I admire his dedication. Knowing him...he has probably been dropping NO-DOSE pills like tic tacs.
5 if we spend 100 million to rebuild that stuff won't it just get flattened again in September or October? Doesn't Haiti get flattened every few years anyway? Are they gonna build hurricaine resistant structures?
Honestly I think its time for a serious migration in some areas of the world. We are definitely living in the last days. The atmospheric changes are going to make certain parts of the world inhabitable...its my belief. US needs to go ahead and open up immigation and take some of these folks in...as well as Mexicans.
6. If we are giving millions of $$$ why are they giving those people some damned dry biscuits enriched with vitamins? What kinda **** is a dried vitamin biscuit. I woulda threw that crap back at them too! Can a sista get some chicken n rice and beans with the vitamin biscuits? I mean people are giving millions, billions of dollars. What are they doing with all that money. Same as the money we gave to bail out the banks and auto makersd troo I guess?
Yeah...this is the first time I have seen biscuits handed out. Usually...it is rice or some type of cornmeal. I thought they did start out by handing out cooked meals. Perhaps these biscuits were destined for the resorts...so they could have with their tea.
7 If illegal Mexicans can build a whole neighborhood in less than a week with sidewalks and landscaping to boot, why can't they get those folks some tents and some decent food and healthcare??? Do we need to send the illegals over there to get stuff in check?
Good point.
8. What's goiing on on the other side of Haiti? Cruises are still porting in Labadee? It's a beautiful resort area in case you didn't know. Now, I'm not saying the cruises should stop going there cause their economy needs the $$$, but if the other side of the island is nice enough for Americans and Europeand to eat, drink, and be merry in, why can't they send some of those resources to Port au Prince or send some of the suffering people to Labadee or Dominican Republic?
They can ferry 3000 cruise passengers and a catered lunch and fruity drinks, provide music and entertainment, and souveniers for purchase, but they can't drop rations beacuse they're afraid the hungry Hatians will hurt each other fighting over it? Come on ya'll!!!
Just because one part of the island was damaged does not mean the whole thing is damaged. When there is an earthquake in Sanfrancisco, people still chill on the beach in LA. Hmmm???
Your guess is as good as mine. I want them to SHOW the other side. Anderson will think of it soon....just give him a moment to get some shut eye...and he will be sneaking up on their azz with a "Keeping Them Honest" episode.
9. I wonder where the Hatian gov't officials are? (See point 8). I'm thinkin they're having a rum n coke with the cruise passengers in Labadee.
I bet you are right.
10. Really when does Anderson Cooper sleep???
See #4
11. Why did the Haitian president put USA in charge? Rememer how we were in charge with Katrina? We don't exactly have a good track record with being in charge you know.
Do you know some of those people are still getting FEMA housing. (I know cause I work at family and children services. They coulda built them a house by now, but they just send a check for temporary housing every quarter. After this many years is it temporary?)
Thats bureaucracy.....takes too many hands, signatures and hem and haws to change ANYTHING thats already in practice.
I know this is a horrible tragic thing, but when you look at the whole picture it really does make you pause and think about things in a different perspective.
Do you think you sacrificing a new outfit to donate to the cause is really going to help the people? Those people were poor and disenfranchised last week and will be no better off this time next year and you will be $20 broker (not a word). The best thing you can do for Hatians is send your prayers, because I honestly think sending money over there is a waste. I really don't think it will go to the people that need it. Their gov't just is not gonna let it happen. Why do you think they risk life and limb to float on a homemasde raft to get to the states while theur president lives in a damned palace?
For me....it just comes down to sending a message that WE CARE. Perhaps it will give a glimmer of hope. You are right...who knows where the money will go BUT if no one sends anything...what kind of message would that send.
Think about all the money people gave for Katrina victims and tsunami victims. Are those people any better off? NO!
Stuff like this really ****** me off! Right along side you...equally pissed!!!

- Meredith
on 1/17/10 2:49 pm, edited 1/17/10 3:03 pm - Sweet Dreams lives in , PA
Hey Meredith,
I will respond to my statement. I did not say that ALL Mexicans are illegal. I am referring to the ones who ARE in fact illegal and living in this country or need refuge for other reasons. I was stating a positive thing...not sure why you have that twisted.
In addition, depending on where you send the money NOT all of it will make it to the people who need it. Its a fact...and has been proven time and time again. Somewhere along the way the money gets lost, mixed up with other pools of funds or misappropriated. The Red Cross does good work but no organization is infallible.
I personally don't have a problem with suburban white couples adopting AND foster parenting minority children. Like I said, I was a mobile therapist for years AND the main problem that I saw was that a number of families did not take the time to reinforce the child's culture... hence leading to identity issues and self loathing. One of my clients (7 years old) constantly was trying to rip her hair out because it did not look like the other kids. She was the only black child in her school. Not to mention the fact that the foster parents did not know how to take care of the child's hair and skin. I took it upon myself to do her hair myself...until I assisted them to find a beautician. I think its all good as long as the new parents have the necessary supports to make sure the child loves themselves and their cultural heritage.
I would think its great if more blacks adopted black kids or white kids for that matter BUT we all know that the latter is not as likely to happen as much due to red tape.
BTW...welcome to BAF...glad that you posted.
NO, but they are the majority illegal population and the most visual in society. I work for family and children services and can't count the number of Americal citizens that are turned down for assistance, but we give illegal aliens food stamps and emergency Medicaid. Now how does that make sense? And also alot of the Haitian Government officials were killed in the earthquake. Not all the gov't officials were killed, and the ones that are well and alive don't seem to be doing much for the cause. Are they not capable of helping their people or is it not a priority? Hmmm?? And their gov't wasn't doing sh*t for those people before the earthquake. Haiti has been widely known for decades as being a corrupt country. The money people send doesn't go to the Haitian government it goes to the Red Cross and other disaster relief to send food and medical supplies to the people who need it. It also was for search and rescue efforts. Duuh, but where is the food and where is the rescue effort? You potentially have 100,000 people dead and more than that homeless and destitute, and there are 30 rescue teams of mostly volunteers. Note they are not Red Cross rescue teams, so that doesn't factor into that financial equation anyway. It just ain't happening fast enough. Come on, I know you are smarter than that. If that money is supposed to go to help the victims in these tragedies, then where is the money. Why do I still have people on y caseload from Katrina still in FEMA housing. Why haven't those neighborhoods been rebuilt? What makes you think they'll be anymore fiscally responsible with the money raised for Haiti. It will pad somebody's pockets and go to their corrupt gov't. The reason that help is taking so long to get there is that they only have one runway at the only airport in Port au Prince. and they have no air traffic control to guide the planes. If they can get 3000 cruise passengers there and feed and entertain them, why can't they use the same methods to get aid to the people. And if there is 1 runway, why isn't the 1 runway being used? The runways were not closed during Hurricaine Katrina and look what happened there! A closed runway. What about shipping in supplies, Port au Prince is a port city afterall, helicopters, whatever. By now they coulda strapped a box of food to a camel's back and walked it to them. That's some bulls*it. I bet their president and his crew aren't eating any vitamin biscuits and sleeping on a cardboard box. And also why does it matter if it is "weird looking suburban white couples" adopting these children? Isn't the important thing that these children will be loved and well taken care of?

Whoever said ignorance is bliss is a big fat liar!
on 1/17/10 7:12 pm, edited 1/17/10 7:14 pm - Sweet Dreams lives in , PA

I know that this doesn't happen in all the cases of interracial adoption, but I remember the true story of a white man that adopted a black child specifically for the reason of child sexual abuse and sex enslavement. Now that literrally made me puke. Of course its not to say that a child will not be abused by a black adoptee parent; however, I can see racists taken advantage of this situation. Now that is really creepy.
I agree the best case scenario is if the child can be match racially for variety of reasons BUT I would rather see them in a stable home rather than scuffled from foster home to foster home. I wish Social Svcs could keep track of them to ensure that abuse is minimized...however, its impossible considering the caseloads...that is another purpose of adoption...not only to secure home for the child but no longer need to micro-manage the parenting...freeing up resources.
But I'm guessing you wouldn't have a problem if it were Haitians coming here illegaly and getting food stamps and medicaid.
Duuh, but where is the food and where is the rescue effort? You potentially have 100,000 people dead and more than that homeless and destitute, and there are 30 rescue teams of mostly volunteers. Note they are not Red Cross rescue teams, so that doesn't factor into that financial equation anyway. It just ain't happening fast enough. Come on, I know you are smarter than that. If that money is supposed to go to help the victims in these tragedies, then where is the money. Why do I still have people on y caseload from Katrina still in FEMA housing. Why haven't those neighborhoods been rebuilt? What makes you think they'll be anymore fiscally responsible with the money raised for Haiti. It will pad somebody's pockets and go to their corrupt gov't.
Rome wasn't built in a day sweetheart. And remember, we are not obligated by any means to help them at all. We are helping them because it is the right thing to do. Help is getting there. And how do you figure there are not Red Cross rescue teams out there? Turn on the news and you will see the Red Cross out there searching also.
If they can get 3000 cruise passengers there and feed and entertain them, why can't they use the same methods to get aid to the people. And if there is 1 runway, why isn't the 1 runway being used? The runways were not closed during Hurricaine Katrina and look what happened there! A closed runway. What about shipping in supplies, Port au Prince is a port city afterall, helicopters, whatever. By now they coulda strapped a box of food to a camel's back and walked it to them. That's some bulls*it. I bet their president and his crew aren't eating any vitamin biscuits and sleeping on a cardboard box.
That I have to agree with somewhat. Only the part about the runway not being used. The runway is being used, it is just packed with planes.
It's a black thing, you just wouldn't understand.... It's just weird and creepy. Now if people from Nigeria or Ghana were coming over here adopting poor desperate white children folks would be up in arms. Does it make sense when you think of it that way?
No, it wouldn't make sense, seing as though those are 3rd world countries.
on 1/17/10 11:59 pm, edited 1/18/10 12:15 am - Sweet Dreams lives in , PA
I am actually glad you posted and expressed your opinion. I am just speaking for myself....it would be nice if you stuck around and posted on not only controversial topics but also topics related to WLS..sometimes it seems as if people that don't regularly post are only doing it to cause drama. I am sure that is not your intent AND I am sure that you have a lot of good information to offer in regards to this WLS journey that we all struggle with on a daily basis. I personally look forward to seeing more of your postings on BAF! Perhaps I have missed some.
I personally don't want to see anyone come here illegally but I do know that there are extenuating cir****tances when folks come here for refuge or a better way of living. Does not make it right...but I completely understand. While I can't get in Shelle's head...I actually took her comment about the Illegal Mexicans in a positive way....I thought she was basically saying that "they" get things done...so why can't similar effort be put in place in Haiti. Come on...we have to be honest with ourselves...if the UN and US REALLY were 100% invested in helping those people (everyone walking on tip toes trying to be politically correct) they would have been over there and had the place militantly secure with medical, shelter, and food needs being handled. We are not talking about building ROME...I know its a cliche but just not appropriate in this case.
I personally have more a problem with people going outside this Country first to adopt when we have so many children of all ethnicity's here that are on waiting lists. Why??? Because its cheaper and less RED tape in a lot of instances. Do you know that these people who are living in these poverty stricken countries are more inclined to give their children up for adoption NOT only to give them a better home BUT also that "they" can feed themselves. Human black market exists...and we might be hearing about them as they apply to this very situation when the dust clears.
No Rome was not built in a day, but please explain how Israel can have a fully functional hospital set up with computer monitors, ekg, x-ray, top of the line equipment.. They came all the way from the other side of the world! And we are a few hours away by plan and a day or so by sea??? And we aint set up **** and we have pledged $100,000,000 + whatever people are gonna donate through Red Cross and private organizations!!! And Israel pledged what
3-4million? Remember the parable of the talents in the BIble? I think we need to dig that 100mil out of the ground about now.
Wanna know why there is a line at the airport runway? Cause the US was put in charge of it. What is the US gov't afraid of, somebody coming and bombing Haiti ... too late for that, it's already been demolished. Or maybe they are being extra cautious in case someone wants to immigrate into Haiti illegally???
No, it wouldn't make sense, seing as though those are 3rd world countries.
Ghana and Nigeria are well developed, countries that are meccas for business and technology and have some of the highest concentrations of wealth in Africa. I can see from that comment, you really are ignorant on world events. I assume you think people in Nigeria live in grass huts and chase lions and zebras through the jungle too? It costs around $1500 or more 1 way to fly from Nigeria to the US. When you see them over here please don't be dooped into thinking they are all destitute. They either had some money to come over here or knew somebody who did.
These comments you're making just are not logical Mer, maybe you should just sit down some where.
BTW how is the pre-op stuff going? Time is winding down huh?
WHY I CHOSE DS: No dumping. Highest percentage of weight loss, Best long term results, Won't regain weight! Eat normal sized meals, 96% diabeties, 90% high blood pressure, 80% sleep apnea cured. I MY DS!
My doctor told me to stop having intimate dinners for four unless there were three other people. ~Orson Wells