Pat Robertson has lost it

on 1/14/10 3:02 am

I don't just have issues, I have subscriptions!  I'm saving on the newsstand price.......

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Her Royal Flyness
on 1/14/10 3:25 am
Kite m prezante m (allow me to introduce myself)
<<<===Bedside baptist and PROUD HAITIAN.  I think I'll have to officially tap out of this one early cuz I'm fixina get pissed, but I will say this.

It's unfortunate that those who bore witnesses to Haiti's alleged "pact with the Devil" have conveniently neglected to factor FACTUAL issues into the nations grave cir****tances.  Facts like the Haitian slave revolt under which Haitians gained their freedom a little over 200 years ago.  Unfortunately though you would think  winning their freedom would be cut and dry, it was not. 

THEY THEN HAD TO PAY REPARATIONS FOR THEIR FREEDOM (aint that a *****)  That debt was never forgiven and was not paid in full until the 40's...1940's so between 1804 and the 1940, they were paying some ridiculous debt of several millions.  That is part of the reason they are so poor...Shortly after the debt was paid Papa Doc's ***** ass stepped in declared himself president for life set about the business of terror and intimidation and bankrupted the ******g country, another reason they are so poor.  And it's been all downhill since then.  

I would encourage people to utilize google, bing, library cards or whatever the **** else they can get their hands on to gain some factual knowledge before they go spouting off memoried and repeated rhetoric.

QT shoves mic down Pat Robertson's throat, spits in his face and exits stage right.


It is never too late to be what you might have been

~George Eliot
on 1/14/10 3:42 am - Mesa, AZ

I'm not trying to upset you or insult you.  What happened is absolutely tragic.  That's my point.  The facts you mention are exactly my point. You stated fact, let me state truth.  The truth is that Haiti is a poor country suffering at Satan's hand.   All of the torment, slavery and poverty Haitian people have endured was at Satan's doing.  Papa Doc is just a puppet of the devil.  The agreement made with the devil produced this result. He did just what he said he'd do and then he tormented the Haitian people for centenaries.  Again, Satan comes but to kill, steal and destroy.  His strongest weapon is suggestion.  He made the same suggestion to Jesus in the desert before Jesus began His three year ministry.  I'm telling you, this is a result of Satan's work, not Gods.  That's my only point here.  The fact that Pat Robertson said it, who gives a ****  It could have been said on the nightly news or by said by TD Jakes, or Paula Deen. It doesn't make it any less true.

Love is all there is, ever was or ever will be...  

Her Royal Flyness
on 1/14/10 4:03 am
Well, I am upset and I am offended and I'm done with the conversation.  You're free to think whatever you wish.  I was never with the whole "God hates this so he did that" school of thought and never will be. 

It is never too late to be what you might have been

~George Eliot
on 1/14/10 1:13 pm - Mesa, AZ
I truly apologize for offending you.  That was not my intention when adding to this conversation.  I also appreciate your view point as well and at one time, shared it.  I have since learned things that have changed that for me. 

Love is all there is, ever was or ever will be...  

So Blessed!
on 1/14/10 4:56 am, edited 1/14/10 4:56 am

“Okay, don't attack me, but that's actually true.   The Haitians did do that."

Where is the evidence?



There is “an apocryphal tale of Haitian voodoo priests sacrificing a pig and drinking its blood in 1791 in order to secure Satan's aid in expelling the French occupation. In return, the priests are said to have promised Haiti to Satan for the next 200 years. The French were soon beat back, and in 1804, Haiti became an independent nation. But even if you believe the story (something many historians doubt), Satan's lease on the tiny island nation should have expired in 1991."


This earthquake was caused by fault lines in the earth’s crust shifting.  Nothing more, nothing less.   This was a natural disaster.  There have been earthquakes since the planet was formed and there will be earthquakes until the planet ceases to exist.  This isn’t about the devil.  This is geology.



Regarding people being puppets of evil forces, I don’t buy that.  We all have free will to do right or wrong.


Her Royal Flyness
on 1/14/10 5:43 am

It is never too late to be what you might have been

~George Eliot
(deactivated member)
on 1/14/10 12:54 pm, edited 1/14/10 7:03 pm - Sweet Dreams lives in , PA
On January 14, 2010 at 12:56 PM Pacific Time, So Blessed! wrote:

“Okay, don't attack me, but that's actually true.   The Haitians did do that."

Where is the evidence?



There is “an apocryphal tale of Haitian voodoo priests sacrificing a pig and drinking its blood in 1791 in order to secure Satan's aid in expelling the French occupation. In return, the priests are said to have promised Haiti to Satan for the next 200 years. The French were soon beat back, and in 1804, Haiti became an independent nation. But even if you believe the story (something many historians doubt), Satan's lease on the tiny island nation should have expired in 1991."


This earthquake was caused by fault lines in the earth’s crust shifting.  Nothing more, nothing less.   This was a natural disaster.  There have been earthquakes since the planet was formed and there will be earthquakes until the planet ceases to exist.  This isn’t about the devil.  This is geology.



Regarding people being puppets of evil forces, I don’t buy that.  We all have free will to do right or wrong.


For all comes down to a simple matter of logic and deduction.  Rather than take this tale as fact, I am more inclined to believe that the "white man" could not stand the fact that a bunch of black folks beat the shioot out of a bunch of white folks way back then. History repeats itself time and time again. They don't want to give us credit for a dayum thing.  So they twist history and make up these tales to make them feel good about themselves. Pact with the devil....yeah right. How about Napoleon with his short ass could not stand the fact that a bunch of negros stomped a mudd hole in his arse!!!

And then to further add insult to injury...they used their ignorance against them by making them pay for their freedom. I would rather pay up then to continue fighting and losing lives too. I figure they were paying for peace....of which they have not had much.

Ya'll we can't believe everything we read...I don't care how well documented it is...we all know that though. Don't we? Many articles, books, notes, chapters etc... etc... etc...  have been authored that were self-serving rather than the truth. Then add into the mix translations and what you end up with might not necessary be fact.
I am just praying for these people. To see the images of the distruction is heart breaking. I made my donation...wish I could do more.

ETA: As to why Haitian people might keep perpetuating this tale as a part of their history....well there is a such thing as brain washing and generations later...who the hell knows what the truth is. In reading about seemed like nothing more than a pep rally or ritual for empowerment than a devil worship ceremony. Sorry but I take history and some documention with a huge grain of salt. 

on 1/14/10 1:34 pm - Mesa, AZ
MD, it is heartbreaking and I also wish I could do more than pray and send funds to assist.  Regardless of the hate towards me I have stirred up, my heart and prayers are with those people who have lost everything and possibly everyone.    

Love is all there is, ever was or ever will be...  

(deactivated member)
on 1/14/10 2:20 pm, edited 1/14/10 7:11 pm - Sweet Dreams lives in , PA body hates you....just differing opinions...that all.  Its a heartbreaking situation for sure.  The fact that they have the world's attention...leads me to believe that they will recover...we just have to keep on praying and supporting as best we can.

I told you before...I admire your conviction. I would much rather see someone stand on their principles & beliefs than back peddle under pressure. That's being genuine. Thanks for being you.

ETA: I think a lot of Christians have lost a lot of respect for Pat Robinson as a direct result of his back peddling rather than his initial statement even though it was untimely and ridiculous in most eyes. 
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