Pat Robertson has lost it
It is never too late to be what you might have been
~George Eliot
In regard to Rush...the maggot......I don't want to take up bandwidth to discuss how much of an asrehole I think he is. He's one of few that I can't find and ounce of compassion for....I actually think he's the devil.
Ok – hole up.
You cannot tell me that EVERY Hatian made that ‘pact’…… GW Bush made some pretty hanky pacts – so if HE ****** it up - *I* gotta have my azz roasted behind him cause I live in the country?????
Um – imma need to tip outta this here church……I’ll still use my church fanga outta respect…….
I don't just have issues, I have subscriptions! I'm saving on the newsstand price.......
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I know that I am suffering because of the jacked up decisions that MANY politicians, judges, mayors, senators etc..made on my "behalf" that did not make these decisions from a Godly stand point. Trust me when I say this, the US better wise the *bleep* up and stay under the protection of Gods hand. With so many countries that HATE Americans... please...we have NO IDEA the degree of **** we'd be in!
Thank you Q.... How did I know some "Christians" would co-sign with Pat?? Put minister in front of ANYONE'S name I swear (I mean, well you know what I mean) people will agree.
And my mother and others wonder WHY I worship in front of the radio every Sunday instead of dogging the bible throwers in a church house.