Can I just say that we had a freakin' ball on Saturday!!!
On behalf of LaVerne and myself (doesn't that sound official?), I would like to thank all of you BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE who came out to bid a fond farewell to LuciousLA. She will have great memories to take with her to Iraq.
It felt like a family reunion! For real!
GBetta (Glenda) and Patrice were there. I love these people!
Madame stepped up in the place (without the
Stephanie and Kendra graced us with their beauty (skinny heffas)
Shani and Keesha were looking wonderful as usual
My love, Doug , flew in for his girl, LaVerne
Ms. Praise (that Diva) and Ki showed up and showed out
Platinum (I'm jealous of her job) was in the hizzzouse
Raven (with the pretty dimples) was flaunting her stuff
MsKim, our newbie, was there and fit right in
Darrien (LaVerne's Boo) was being fresh (I have the picture to prove it)
Stephanie's friends even joined us (I didn't get their names)
I even got a chance to hang out with my angelette, Mz. ShoeGoddess, at Ben's Chili Bowl for a few hours. Thanks, beautiful!
~Lawd, please don't let me have forgotten anybody....that shot of Patron was
BTW, I did take pictures, but they are on my phone. During my move to Savannah, the data cable got lost in shuffle. No worries, I will get them up.
WOW...I want to thank you and everyone involved in helping plan Laverne's get-together to bid her best wishes on her pending departure. I truly enjoyed seeing each and everyone of you and must say its been WAY TOO LONG.
It was great seeing you, and OMG when I saw Doug I was floored...he's such a nice person and I've always had much respect for him. look amazing as usual and you know I'm still shocked.
To my DMV family (too many to name)...some of you I see on a regular and those I don't...we'll have to change that...we had a ball. Sorry I didn't make it to the cabaret, but I had a prior engagement of a 20 year friend I had to attend...but I was thinking of you all in spirit. Please note we will not

To the newbie "MsKim"...I really enjoyed talking to you and remember what I said I don't visit BAF often, but I am a click away, so please don't hesitate if you need anything...that's what we're here for.
GBetta & know I have always loved ya'll ladies like family am so excited at the opportunity you have before you. I know you'll be just fine in Iraq and therefore I have no worries because I know you are covered and will be alright. It was indeed my pleasure to come bid you a fond farewell. You truly are an amazing woman and know that although we don't talk everyday you're always in my thoughts. Good luck on your detail and I look forward to hearing all about it.
Ok...I've typed enough...but again...I had a wonderful time and look forward to the next time.
Luv u all...Cassie
on 1/10/10 11:47 pm, edited 1/10/10 11:55 pm - Greenbelt, MD
and then..........,lol. please see my message above.
I MISS MY ANGEL!!!! Hope, I was sooo glad to see you even if for a short time. I love you! I love you! I love you! OK so I already drank 33 ounces of water... Took my vitamins.. back in check.. Just your pressence.......

I have six month till the big 5-0.......Watchout! I'm ready!!!
Shari aka Mz. ShoeGoddess