MSW will not settle
on 1/9/10 11:13 pm
All I did yesterday was eat and sleep and re assess my current wl situation.  I felt lousy so I was in bed most of the day with the tv and the computer.

Ran out of multi vits and did not go out but I'll be in Jax tomorrow so Vitamin Shoppe here I come.  All other supps taken.  Did excellent on the liquids, at least a full quart of plain water daily recently, 80 oz total.  Eating was fine, protein and salad veg mostly but too much of it was protein bars.  No late night eating, hooray.  

Next week its back to low carbing which means sadly limiting my favorite veg.  Today I'm making my plan for the week.  I want to get the protein up to 150g daily.  Its the only thing I have not tried except liquids only.  In the past, liquid/ soft diet has not sparked weight loss but my system likes it because its so easily digestible. 

I've been researching and the consensus is raise my calorie limit along with the protein.  This scares me to death even though its in the maintenance range for my goal weight.  I've got 24 hrs to work it out. 

I'm trying to appreciate this ride but I'm getting the shakes and the shivers not doing my numbers down to the calorie.  Deep breath..... now release. 

I had a minor epiphany this week.  Since I got below 155 lbs, I am at the exact point I was at age 14 almost thirty four years later.  I've spent eleven months to get back to square one.  Once again, I'm at my starting point.  Trying to drop around 25 lbs and two dress sizes so that I am no longer overweight. 
This time I will get there. 
(deactivated member)
on 1/10/10 12:23 am, edited 1/10/10 10:57 am - Sweet Dreams lives in , PA
Muah!!!! Beautifully said.....made me cause I am right THERE.  Yes...lurker you can get back on track...we are here for you...just try to focus on what and who are important to you.  We need to live not just for them though....we need to live for ourselves.  Life is too short to wallow in self pity...believe me. I have done enough wallowing for two life times. I want to enjoy and live life...experience things I have never been able to do before because of my weight. I know you do too. Come on....take our hands...we can do this together.

Ms MSW (give respect...get respect) you are really special. Thanks for all that you are doing...you help me SO much with your postings.

First and foremost my mom and I made a date to go to the rec center a little later this afternoon.

As soon as I make this post, I am going to update my playlist.

I updated my plan for yesterday in yesterdays post BUT I am overall pleased with the outcome. I might not do my plan 100% BUT I have a plan and it keeps me from rearing too far off course. Not having any plan at all....is the biggest set up.

Plan for today:

Vitamins and Supp are already down

B - 1 Egg and 1Turkey Sausage Scrambled
       3 Tablespoons of Cottage Cheese and 3 tablespoons of Fruit ****tail

S-   Mozzarella Cheese Stick and/or  Tangerine

L-   Healthy Choice Meatloaf Meal...instead had chili and a snack cheese for luck

S -   Can of Spicy V8 juice instead had a mozarella cheese stick

D -  Well...the girls want Spagehetti but I will have Chili....I had

S -   Light Yogurt instead has applesauce with cinnamom and splenda and a mozarella cheese stick.

88 ounces of H20

Exercise - Rec center for 1 hour is the plan...I am not deluding myself...I know that I need to do better....BUT I also know myself....this will kick in eventually full force...and when it does...I need to make a note of my thought process and what it took for me to get there. There was one point when I was working out 5 days a week and I felt funny and uncomfortable when I did not work out on the other two. I did it for about 3 months straight SO I know I can get there...just don't know what it took..........Just saying those last few words triggered my mine.......... Now that I think about it.hummmm..I think it was me saying, Lisa just go to the friendship center 5 days a week...it doesn't matter if you do nothing at all...just go...walk around..whatever. You are not a failure if you go in there and do nothing at all. 

Dayum...this is something else...I know you all think I am crazy...but as I write I am realizing that I  CAN NOT commit to exercise!  I simply can not do it...or it make it worse for me to get it done. 

I have to commit to be around exercise and others who are doing it even if I do not partake.  LOL! Thats the key AND my first step.  I can't just step back into it full swing....its a set up...feeling of failure consume me. This has been my problem. If I don't make the effort at all...it feels better than trying to go one day and then not following up.  The lesser of the guilt feelings...LOL!

Now  I remember going in the first few days...getting on the treadmill for 10 mins and leaving. I felt accomplished because I did something...going in the next few times and staying a little longer...eventually I worked my way up.  I now recall...looking at people who were much bigger than me...and now that i am smaller those proportions have changed. Thinking...hell...look at that man or woman over there...if there big azz can do that many minutes on the treadmill so can I.  I kept at it...and eventually I was doing 3 miles in 45 minutes on the treadmill and would do some cycling and even go for a swim afterwards....it became a routine. It was easy and my body craved it. I'll be dayum!!!

My only goal right now is to set foot in the Rec Center 5 days a week. That's it. I am a success if this is all I do...period.  

ETA: I made it to the rec center and did 30 min treadmill, 15 min cycle, and round of weight training....AND I will be on track for 5 days next week.


on 1/10/10 12:54 am
You are about to get an exercise ass whooping......... prepare for Defcon 1

Now - you want to be all fine as may wine and wear a 12 and **** right?  With no exercise, you will look like melted candle wax in a plastic wrap wrapper.  THAT is not cute. 

And it's more than just for weight loss- cardio is for heart health, and weight lifting will actually help you decrease bone loss that ALL women face as they age.  This is MORE than vanity!!!!  So many Black women forego exercise for various reasons 'I don't wanna mess up my hair' 'I ain't got time' or 'I look good as I is'...... not knowing that while you may wear a size 6 - you have the heart and lung capacity of a 60 year old!!!!!

It's the same commit you have to your pouch - you ain't sucking down melted ice cream and blending cheeseburgers, are you?  Then GET THE FUCK UP and EXERCISE!!!!!  all that food listing is meaningless to me if you're not moving to go along with it!!!!!!

**the preceding has been a public service announcement by #1 Mack Mama reminding you that WLS is not just about changing your eating...... it's about changing your LIFE**

I'm #1 Mack - and I approve this message!!!!

I don't just have issues, I have subscriptions!  I'm saving on the newsstand price.......

Check out my dating mis - adventures at: http://1macdatinggame.blogspot.com/

(deactivated member)
on 1/10/10 1:19 am, edited 1/10/10 1:21 am - Sweet Dreams lives in , PA
OMG! Thank you Mack Mama! @ With no exercise, you will look like melted candle wax in a plastic wrap wrapper.

I needed that visual and believe me your words have not fallen on deaf ears.  While my last sentence is my goal...I know that I will exercise when I go to the rec center....there is no way I would go all that way and just turn around.  I guess what I am saying is that i need to make it a goal to GO...get there and on a consistent basis. Forget about how cold it is outside and all those other excuses. Pack my workout clothes in my car and GO after work. That's the committment I have to make first.....the rest will fall into place when I get there. I know once I get to the center I can't look at all those other lard azzes doing their do and wimp out.

Yes...I had the best intentions when I bought the Wii Fitness...but after a few sessions the novelty wore off for me.  I come home dog tired so being at home only give me more of an opportunity to write it off for the night.

YES most definitely...I am trying to get to FIONE! ETA: And prolong my life...I have these two girls to raise.  Mom just called and shes on her way now. So we will be heading to the rec center in a few.

I am also going to put my gear in my trunk for tomorrow.  I will go to the Rec Center on MWFSS or an alternative 5 days of the week depending on any evening activities scheduled for the girls.

I will be reporting ACTUAL EXERCISE rather than excuses in addition to eating.

~pulling your foot out of my azz now~

Thank you!

on 1/10/10 3:08 am
  Oh how I relish a good ass kicking!!!!! 

I'll be watching to see if you really do what you say - but you realize the issue just as I did - I tried that workout at home **** and ummmm - if there's a sofa within 50 feet, I'm sitting the hell down!  LOL - tried the after work, and I am genetically programmed NOT to leave home after I walk IN the mofo after a long day at work..... LOL 

So - 5am is the ONLY way!  But when I was working out after work- I HAD to have my clothes already in the car - so kudos on that - pack that bag and KEEP it packed and ready all the time! 

One last thing - your workout time should be treated just as any other important appointment.  No one can overwrite a hair appointment or a nail appointment right?  Then don't let them make you alter your schedule and miss your gym time.  Mofos at my gigs knew that the Mack was out no later than 5:30 cause she wa****ting the gym and don't even ASK for **** after then cause it wasn't gonna happen!  LOL 

I don't just have issues, I have subscriptions!  I'm saving on the newsstand price.......

Check out my dating mis - adventures at: http://1macdatinggame.blogspot.com/

(deactivated member)
on 1/10/10 11:15 am - Sweet Dreams lives in , PA
The girls have Girl Scouts on Weds and Thurs and they meet in a church very close to the Rec Center.  I am going to take advantage of this fact and work out on these days. Then I will do Tues, Sat and Sun.  Thinking that Monday and Friday are not the best days to plan work outs for a number of reasons  You are right I should consider my workout time...as doctor appts and plan around them. I actually enjoyed the weights tonight...seems I needed to work those muscles.

MSW will not settle
on 1/10/10 3:04 am, edited 1/10/10 3:05 am
      Thanks for the luv!  I wish I was as altruistic as all that but I'm just a selfish little ***** 

I was encouraged and supporteed by someone who watched me think about wls for years.  Even went to seminars with me. 

She took action while I was still bull****ting.  Then she motivated me to stop the bull****  Her wls success motivated me to action.  It hurts to see myself progressing and leaving her behind. 

I'm waiting to take that photo together where people who knew us in the 90's will fall out seeing neither of us are obese anymore.  I want to take a picture like that every year for life.  I want us to go to shops like Michael Koors, Ralph Lauren, and DKNY knowing everything comes in our size.   I want the next time we lay out in th esun on a cruise or a Carribean beach to know we get looks cause we are so fine, not because we are so fat.   Now I'm getting teary and that rarely ever happens.

I'm glad you had an awakening on the exercise thing.  I could never say it better than our own silver tounged Ms #1MM could.  Getting to the gym is the first step.  Even at 285 lbs I did a fierce workout a few days a week.  I was never sloppy fat. 

Because of the skin, I looked more toned back then than I do now.  However, I cannot imagine how sloppy I'd look if I ever choose to stop weight training.  Not doing cardio is never an option.  We need out heart and lungs at peak performance for life. 

I hope someone will take up a new exercise challenge thread.  I don't know where Barbara disappeared to but I hope she's well.  Untill then, I'll also include my workout details from now on instead of just the calorie burn.  .
(deactivated member)
on 1/10/10 11:41 am, edited 1/10/10 12:13 pm - Sweet Dreams lives in , PA
Well...I can tell that you are a people person AND you genuinely care about other...regardless if you put your needs first....nothing wrong with that...not selfish at all...self preserving,

The moment when you and your friend can take that picture will be very special...I can't wait to hear you share about that when it happens.

Iits funny because just today...I felt a little strain on my friendship with a long time friend.  I told her where I was with my weight...she has alway been smaller than me...but is still overweight.  I can tell that she had a difficult time...giving me any positive words.  Shes gaining and cant get her eating under control,

Whooowee...this MM give me a visual or what....I am definitely getting to the gym.  I went tonight and feel so much better and relaxed after the fact.

It will be nice to see what others are doing with their work outs. I am going to go back to previous challenge thread and see what I can pull out.

Faith *
on 1/10/10 6:54 pm
All I can say is...blame it on the a-a-a-a-lcohol!!!!  Liquid calories got me and I am down for the count.

People are so worried about what they eat between Christmas and the New Year, but they really should be worried about what they eat between the New Year and Christmas. ~Author Unknown

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