Happy Friday BAF Fam! I think I'm on time for the first time in 2010.
Tell the whole truth and be accountable. Have you worked your plan well this week? Are you fired up with resolutions that will eventually fizzle or have you remembered this is a total life commitment we've gotten ouselves into?
And for my favorite lurker (You know who you are):
I'm sure some others need to hear this too.
When I was told I was a weight gainer for life at around five weeks weight post op, I had a psych visit (Badly needed; certified non psychotic!). That's when I first heard the phrase " The skin is off the pear." We are that pear and our revised innards the skin. No putting it back on. We've got to work this thing even when finding it rough. I don't want to this anymore is just bull ****
Get it done, catch up to where you should be by now, make your goal. You need to work your tool for life long health. If you can't seem to get motivated, then just go through the motions until you find motivation. Work your tool if only because its a done deal. You chose this path now GET IT DONE!
Some folks badly need a little tough love.
Track your food and stop assuming you've got it right because its not working out for you. Haul your ass back to the gym TODAY and daily from now on. Get yourself to that long overdue post op follow up. Make an appointment today.
You eat tiny portions. So what if you're settled into other obesity encouraging habits for life? You're a long term post op and barely half way to goal. Quit acting like wls never happened.
And... give up those damned cigarettes. They sure don't help your weight loss. Plus they cause ulcers in post ops in addition to all the other dangers.
Nuff said
... All are welcome, jump in at anytime.
For reference:
5 Day Pouch Test website http://www.5daypouchtest.com/plan/theplan.html
5 Day Pouch Test Instructions
Protein Train Instructions http://www.obesityhelp.com/forums/black_american/3993571/Protein-Train-Educate-me-please/#32309205
Wagon Plan Instructions
MSW Roux-En-Y Gastric Bypass: Eat sensibly & enjoy moderation
Links: Are you a compulsive eater? for help OA meets on-line Keep Coming Back, One Day At a Time Overeaters Anonymous

Have a wonderful day!!!
Good morning to you as well. I'm not big on formalities. I've seen you around therefore I know you.
Glad you're having a good week and feeling good. I'm one for the twice a day workout myself. I do best splitting the cardio and strength. Usually one at home and one in th egym but I can do bothe in either location.
Vits on point, fantastic. May I ask what you take and dosing schedule?
Love the pics in your siggy line. I'm going to copy you and take a pic in the same pose as the morning of surgery once I hit goal.
Let's see in the morning I take the following:
Prenatal Vitamin (not preggers but my PCP recommended it for the additional folic acid)
One a day multivitamin
Calcium Citrate
Fish Oil
B-Complex, flaxseed oil, vitamin d
In the evening I take precription strength iron. I am anemic sadly.
Don't ask me how many MG, cause I can't remember LOL. Maybe I need to add Ginkobolba in the mix too. LLS
THX, Girl I aint near goal but that pic reminds me of how far I've come!
Good mernin to you!!! Lol
When I got up and turned the TV on – it said it was 27 degrees outside this morning – wind chill made it 14…… I said FLIP the gym – made grits and fried spam and sat on the sofa and ate my b-fast. I did 4 days in the gym this week – sue me over not doing the sub artic workout……LOL
Otherwise – things are on track for me – I’ll have no trouble today and this weekend – it’s cold than a MOFO and I’m looking forward to several bowls of soup and hot tea!
I don't just have issues, I have subscriptions! I'm saving on the newsstand price.......
Check out my dating mis - adventures at: http://1macdatinggame.blogspot.com/
You got four days in and thats fantastic. When you get it done right during the early part of the week you have flexibility for those cold mornings.
Did ok yesterday and fair for the week in general. I ate better and in control yesterday. Head games were a ***** but I held it down.
The plan was a mostly veg menu but given Wenesdays cluster fkcu I had chicken for breakfast and dinner to up the day's protein count. There's only so much protein powder I can stand.
Water, vits, exercise, calories all as planned. I'm working out a new exercise routine so the plan is still sketchy. I want better results, especially back and midsection. I'm sticking to one hour cardio a day, seven days. No more extra sessions so I can focus on the strength training. All that cardio isn't getting me results so I'm focusing on building muscle instead. I'm thinking three days full body weights, three days flexibility.

You are so welcome and I am happy to see you claim your prize...not sure if whats in italics was directed at me or yourself...(smile)...BUT you know I love you regardless. You are one of the most supportive people on this board and I sure hope that one day I can meet you in person. As for the century club card...you best believe I will be posting it at 99.99...just so it hits the page at 100...lol!