Thinking about ..
Sure! One that you will actually go to on a regular basis! 
I work in the industry - they are all the same - you just need to visit the location you intend to go to and see how you feel about it - at the end, it's what you are comfortable with.

I work in the industry - they are all the same - you just need to visit the location you intend to go to and see how you feel about it - at the end, it's what you are comfortable with.
I don't just have issues, I have subscriptions! I'm saving on the newsstand price.......
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I signed up for Planet Fitness for $1 and $10 a month. There is a $29 annual fee due Oct 1st of every year. I like th location and you cancel at anytime by the 10th of the month. No long contracts. I workout every day at home on the ellipitical and wii fit plus for a hour or more so hopefully I will do more at the gym. Thanks
Cool! It really is all about what will work for YOU. I've been a member of my gym since my WLS - I know work at the company that services their software and payment processing. It's my gym 'home' - I've toured others, but ain't nothing like MY gym!
From what you do at home, sounds like the gym would be useful to get you doing weight lifting.
I don't just have issues, I have subscriptions! I'm saving on the newsstand price.......
Check out my dating mis - adventures at: