Sorry late again. I'll be back to posting before nine, promise.
Thursday January 7, a new year one week in today. Start living it rather than planning for it. This is real life folks.
Your pantries and freezers are cleared of temptation and the whole family is going to eat well. Am I right? Tell the whole truth and be accountable. Are you emotionally ready to continue this journey? Is your thought process where it needs to be? Are you working on that relationship with food and not only on your diet? The how and why of eating and not just the what?
... All are welcome, jump in at anytime.
For reference:
5 Day Pouch Test website http://www.5daypouchtest.com/plan/theplan.html
5 Day Pouch Test Instructions
Protein Train Instructions http://www.obesityhelp.com/forums/black_american/3993571/Protein-Train-Educate-me-please/#32309205
Wagon Plan Instructions
5 Day Pouch Test website http://www.5daypouchtest.com/plan/theplan.html
5 Day Pouch Test Instructions
Protein Train Instructions http://www.obesityhelp.com/forums/black_american/3993571/Protein-Train-Educate-me-please/#32309205
Wagon Plan Instructions
MSW Roux-En-Y Gastric Bypass: Eat sensibly & enjoy moderation
Links: Are you a compulsive eater? for help OA meets on-line Keep Coming Back, One Day At a Time Overeaters Anonymous
People are so worried about what they eat between Christmas and the New Year, but they really should be worried about what they eat between the New Year and Christmas. ~Author Unknown
Today I'm back on track already had 1/2 protein bar, vitamins, 1 cup of protein hot cocoa, and drinking 16 oz of water.
Leaving tonight for a class in San Antonio so hopefully the margaritas and mexican food don't get me.
You remind me how lucky I am not to have to do this with family home all of the time. We all come and go throughout the month so its rare to have everyone under one roof for an extended period. I keep emergency pre weighed meals frozen to avoid temptaion and also "purse food" and "car food". Its been hard since Thanksgiving with all of us together, but I gave in to the fast food only once or twice.
A one time wendys meal won't do too much damage but a plan helps too. My family has cleared out much of my "emergency food" over the last two weeks. Since I refused to do the restaurant thing daily we ate leftovers and they decided they liked my pre portioned low fat low carb frozen meals (double portions). Maybe you can find something quick and easy your son will like too for those times you want to avoid the fast food.
But I say there's nothing wrong with the occaisional fries if you can handle it. We're supposed to eat well not deprive ourselves of what we enjoy forever.
The good, 48 oz plain water. All in a sudden it goes down easy once again. The rest of my 80 oz were non caffine liquids.
The bad, missed one of four of my vit doses. I need something simpler. Vits 75% complete. In the interest full disclosure, I did already miss all vits one day this week.
The ugly, well, there were three. This far out weighs the the good and bad leading to my reluctance to include the vit debacle here as well.
First, I returned to my single food fixation yesterday. This is my biggest disorderd eating issue. Selecting one or two foods and desiring nothing else while excessively it. This time it was apples and cauliflower. Calorie wise no issue. Its the behavior that concerns me. Nextime it may be cookies and chips. Always a sweet and a salt if its two instead of one food. Sometimes its all liquid like cold diet coke and hot plain black coffee.
Second, while eating the fruit and veg I was missing the protein. I had one scoop of powder yesterday and although there was some egg in my cauliflower salad, the small amounts of other protein I had were not enough. I estimate that I'm about 33% short of my requirement and 50% short of my protein goal.
Third, eating for the wrong reasons. For me it was avoidance. There are things needing my attention that I did not want to deal with so I ate instead. Again, calories were not at issue. it is the behavior. My pouch was full all day. I was ready to eat as soon as there was room again. I wanted to eat even when it was full. Anything to avoid what I needed to address.
I'd been using cardio as an avoidance technique but I was not feeling well enough to do this yesterday. Before food, shopping was my avoidance technique. It was way too cold and I shopped all weekend so I'm out of cash. I hit my peak weight when I stopped shopping. Next in line, food. I ate instead.
My calories were on the low side of my usual range. Although I did not formally count, I keep a running estimate. I'm generally pretty accurate as long as I stick with my normal home prepared foods.
But, calories are not the issue. Getting my head straight is the issue. Addressing my avoidance issue is at issue. For some of us, successful wl for life means we must also master the head games we own.
on 1/7/10 2:04 am, edited 1/7/10 12:40 pm - Sweet Dreams lives in , PA
I am here..and did very well yesterday. Even got on the Wii! I don't like the running part...whew! I am so excited though...I got on the scale and it said 216 at first and 217 the next 2 times. I just wanted to make sure it was not a misread. So...I seem to be heading in the right direction. I know that the protein and low carbs is the kicker....plus I have not eaten much last couple of days. Be right back to post my outcomes and plan:
Keeping my eye on 40 pounds by 5/24/10. Goal 180
Yesterday's Plan and Outcome:
1200 calories
Breakfast: I scarmbled egg, 1 turkey sausage patty, supps and Hzo Done
Snack: Protein Drink or Bar - skipped
Lunch: Wendy's Chili and Light Lemonade done
Snack: Protein Drink -skipped
Dinner: Grilled Chicken Salad or Bullet - had the meat and veggies off an angus burger at McD....I know...it was not my plan to go there but I forgot about Girl Scouts and had to get my daughter to her meeting...the sitter changed jobs so now I have to figure out another plan for us on these days...its very tight. At any rate....that burger gave me a lump in my pouch....felt as hard as a rock...guess because I have been eating light and only soft foods last couple of days. I dont suppose my pouch would shrink that fast.
Snack: Protein Drink or Protein Bar - I had 2 cheese snack packs
80 oz of H20 - made about 50
Exercise: 45-60 minutes minimum on Wii Fitness. Will push myself to go longer. Need a target heart rate between 153-163 for aerobic conditioning based on my resting heart rate of 84.
I spent 30 minutes on the Wii....Hoola Hoop...Step and some running this time....the running was NO fun at all. I cheated and let my 6 year old run a little for me while I sat on the couch and watched...LOL! Hey...I see that I am going to have to stick to the Hula Hoop and fun stuff....but I don't think I am going to be able to get my heart rate up on it. I mean its possible....but it would be too tacking on my legs. Running on a carpet...in place....YUCK...I dont care how much scenary they give me....the ocean was pretty though. At least it was something.
Right back with my plan for Today.
Today's Plan:
1200 calories ???
Breakfast: I scarmbled egg, 1 turkey sausage patty, supps and Hzo Done
Snack: Protein Drink or Bar - DOne..protein bar
Lunch: Wendy's Chili and Light Lemonade had another protein bar because I had to work though lunch.
Snack: Protein Drink -skipped
Dinner: Grilled Chicken Salad or Bullet - had wendy's chili because my youngest had her girl scout meeting tonight. I really wish they had their meetings on the same night...it would make my life easier...oh well.
Snack: Protein Drink or Protein Bar - I had 2 cheese snack packs
80 oz of H20 - made about 60
Exercise: 45-60 minutes minimum on Wii Fitness. Will push myself to go longer. Need a target heart rate between 153-163 for aerobic conditioning based on my resting heart rate of 84.