Sexual Orientnation (a must read)
on 1/6/10 5:07 am, edited 1/6/10 5:24 am - Sweet Dreams lives in , PA
You were upset because you are in fact straight??? have a crush on a woman and your man is nothing compared to her???? And in fact you like studs....( I am assuming you mean butch women)
I think the question of the day you know your sexual orientation?
Are you straight with a fantasy for women? Are you bi-sexual....will go either way and be perfectly content? Are you gay but perhaps still in the closet?
Do you think the woman might have had other reasons to ask you that question even though its none of her business? Perhaps....its something you might have said rather than your size. Maybe she was trying to find a round about way to ask you. Maybe she likes you? ...... who knows her motivation. Don't let her get under your skin.
Really think about what would make you happy and do whatever you can to get to a level of comfort with yourself.
yes I am bi sexual I know what I am I have known for a long time even though I am 22. I am upset becuase she asked if it was becuase I was big and could get a man. Thats what upset me.
yes I have a crush on a woman maybe more than that depending on some things. Yes she is (butch) but I dont do classifications but thats what people wpuld say I like.
Your right i may be more gay than anything casue when I am intimate with my bf i think of this girl. All my friends tell me I like woman more than men.
The woman who asked me is indeed a lesbian but who knows why she asked i think she may have a thing for me.
In regards to Homosexuality and obesity...I did find a couple of studies.
One study suggests that there is no significant difference between the body size of lesbian vs straight women.
The other suggests that lesbians are more likely to be obese as opposed to obese women more likely to be lesbians.
Muriel Wilson Perkins1
(1) | Division of Liberal and Creative Arts, Mississippi Industrial College, 38635 Holly Springs, Mississippi, USA |
Key words body build - homosexuality - lesbianism - androgen
This work was supported by National Institute of Mental Health Research Fellowship Grant 1-FO-MH53838-01.
Lesbianism and obesity
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In regards to lesbianism and obesity, in April of 2007, the American Journal of Public Health analyzed data from 2002 National Survey of Family Growth and the data suggested that American lesbian women were 2.69 times more likely to be overweight and 2.47 times more likely to be obese than all other female sexual orientation groups. [1] The abstract for this study indicated that "lesbians are at greater risk for morbidity and mortality linked to overweight and obesity." [1]
In 2009, the PubMed article abstract for the Polish psychiatry journal Psychiatria Polska article Body Image in Homosexual Persons declared:
“ | Homosexual women are less concentrated on physical appearance and more satisfied with their bodies while being more tolerant to obesity.... For lesbian women the ideal body image is more massive than for heterosexual women.[2] | " |
In 2007, a purported lesbian wrote to Andrew Sullivan, the political commentator and administrator of The Daily Dish blog:
“ | And - oh heck, I'll admit it - aesthetics have value, too! As a woman, I may not be as focused on looks as men are predisposed to be, but I sure am tired of seeing so many queer ladies out there who are way past 200 pounds. Way, way past. Sorry, but no amount of "fat acceptance" is going to make that a pleasant sight - gay, straight, butch, femme, male or female.[3] | " |
See Also
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 Overweight and Obesity in Sexual-Minority Women: Evidence From Population-Based Data, Ulrike Boehmer, Deborah J. Bowen, Greta R. Bauer, American Journal of Public Health, 2007 Jun;97(6):1134-40. E pub 2007 Apr 26.
- ↑ em2.PEntrez.Pubmed.Pubmed_ResultsPanel.Pubmed_RVDocSum&ordin alpos=1
- ↑ /obesity_and_les.html
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on 1/6/10 6:15 am

Yes I like both men and women but y not just put a post up that says HEY I AM BISEXUAL.
Im pissed off becuase she said it was because I was big thats why i liked women and most big people are gay cause they cant find people of the other sex. Did you not read what i wrote?
because Hey I'm bisexual, doesn't exactly give you a reason to post now does it? but the angry fat factor makes for an interesting headline doesn't it?
I'm sorry but I just had to ask because I just had a hard time buying that someone would say something so freakin' stupid! I mean were they serious when they asked? I really hope that people aren't ignorant