on 1/3/10 12:20 pm - PA
Here's the link everyone...  I didn't realize how freaking horibble dating would be until now.  My blog is just the beginning.  I had wls and  life isn't what I thought it would be.  You don't know what I'm talking about??? READ MY BLOG!!!!!


on 1/3/10 11:20 pm

I only see 2003 entries, am I missing something?

on 1/3/10 11:22 pm - PA



on 1/4/10 1:43 am
VSG on 12/20/07 with

hey gurl, your post reminds me of a woman who was on good morning america exactly one year ago to promote her website: - she's a professional black lady, mid 40s i believe, no kids, never been wed and she was on a self described campaign to find and marry "him" in one year.  she wasn't limited as to race or age, no crazy requirements (at least none listed), but long story short, today, she's still single.  actually come to think of it, listing requirements might not have helped her out but i digress.....

please know when i say that i'm with you i mean in more ways than one.  first, oh before i forget, do you happen to be a cancer? your blog was sweet and soft and pink and real heart on your sleevish the way that cancerians are about their feelings.  anteeeway first heal gurl, i'm saying that b/c the word you used was sad.  in the same way alcohol and texting don't mix, sad + dating = :hellno:.   it doesn't need to be all examiney and stuff but lower the casket on this relationship and grieve it out, the knuckleheads will still be here when you're done.  trust.  :raine:

secondly - this is strictly my opinion, which may not be worth a plug nickel b/c i'm a bachelorette too but the dude you're looking for is already looking for you, not to make it sound all twist of fateish but the feeling you're describing isn't *manufacturable*,  creating opportunity and being open to new experiences can be bunches of fun, but you don't need to do anything except concentrate on the best Ang you can be so you're ready to bump into the best [bachelor name] he can be.   don't confuse this with entertaining a dude who doesn't meet your standard whatever that is.  sketchy behavior means he's not your guy, next.  i get that you're tired of the grind but what also comes through is a teensy sense of desperation connected to a timetable.  excuse me for saying so but imma needja to let it go, it'll come across in your dating exploits.  'sides it's really hard to be tense and breezy at the same time lol!!   

didn't think i had a thirdly but thirdly, take it from a *cough* slightly older woman - turn your head some, the man you tambout might be in your life right now but doesn't look like you'd expect him to.  sorry for rambling.  returning to minding my own beeswax.

p.s. i giggled at "i'm approaching my 30s.  I want to be married"   you're not in charge of the plan.  

keep us posted!!

                                  be happy, laughter burns calories


on 1/4/10 2:18 am - PA
You are funny... a woman after my own heart.  If you don't want people's uncensored opinion, you shouldn't  post something publicly. HA HA HA.

I'm going into casket lowering mode ( trust me this won't take long) There is nothing more ridiculous than wanting someone who doesn't want you - even I know that.

There will be more entries... stay tuned.

on 1/4/10 5:31 am
......I can hardly wait........for the next episode!.. I'm right there with ya girl!...

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