An Encounter with and Angel...literally
I am a staunch believer that Angels are amongst us. The Bible speaks on the fact that was may welcome an Angel in our home and not know it. I interpret home as life and not a house, so this is why I am ever so careful as to how I treat people and stick to the golden rule although I know that I can and have fallen short.
In regards to encounters with Angels I am SURE that I have. I even went as far to ask a 102 year old man that I once knew if he was one. He told me that he wasn't but I STILL believe that he was
Two other incidents that I can remember are:(sorry for the length but I cannot tell a story the short way)
1. A month before I moved to Oklahoma to attend college in 1999 I had bought a van for $200.00s. It ran good but my late Father who was at the time failing in health was a machanic and instructed me to put the van on the highway for a short trip in the event that there was an underlying issue with the van. I decided to drive it from Michigan to Gary Indiana where my late Uncle lived at the time. My Uncle and Father said that they had me covered and if I were to break down along the way whoever was closest would come to my rescue. I ended up breaking down midways and it really didn't matter which one I could call, but I called my Father and Mother first. They said that they were on the way and to hold tight and to stay in the van which I had safely pulled off the road.
I stayed there for about 90 minutes when I saw my Parents pull up. My Father went under the hood and knew that my engine was blown and said that we would have to get the van towed in. By then I was frazzled and we had no idea how we would orchestrate the task at hand. Anyway, as we were standing there trying to figure things out, this truck pulls up and this big and massively built white man jumps out and comes to assist. My Father explained our delima and the man said "Sir I can help, but first we need to get this van to a safe location so that it doesn't get ticketed or hit." My Father offered to help the man push the van because it was at a weird angel but the man said no. The man physically pushed the van to a safe spot alone. (it impressed me).
Next the man said that he would chain the van to his truck and to follow him. We followed and as we were doing so each turn led to a more densely rural (sp) area. Of course we all got a little nervous thinking oh Lawd we may disappear never to be found again after following a complete stranger.
When we arrived at his wooded secluded home, a whole army of men came rushing out before we could exit the car
. Each man was very friendly. The man from the highway went in and called another friend who owned a towing company. He offered to tow the car to our home later that night but had to wait until a truck was available. We thanked them, my Father offered cash to no avail, and we headed back home after giving them the address.
At about 2 am we hear a bleeping sound and saw lights and it was the man from the highway and the friend towing the van in. They did as promised and would not take one RED CENT for doing so. After they left, we all determined that the man from the road HAD to have been an Angel, we discussed about how he even looked. He had such a powerful body and chisled face that had he been dressed in a white robe with a gold belt and wings he would've fit the bill totally. (The story continues...)
A few days later we went to one of my late Fathers FAVORITE junk car parts dealer where his friend worked to see if we could find a halfway decent engine. My Fathers friend wasn't there that day, but the owner of the place, an older man was. He was nice and said that he hoped that he could help. My van was a 1993 Voyager and it just so happened that a 1999 Voyager that was totalled was there. The engine was brand new with less than a thousand miles on it. The man practically GAVE me the engine because it was worth thousands. My Father and another friend went to get the engine the next day and over the weekend had planned to drop the engine in my van. All of this took place on Monday. The next day my father called me down (I lived 3 doors away) and I went to see what he wanted. My Father had a weird look about him and said to me, "Remember the man who sold us the engine on yesterday?" I said yes. He then said, "When we went to get the engine we learned that the man had died yesterday evening"
. I was just shaken and shocked. Our engine was the last sale that the man had ever made and the place closed immediately due to his death.
We then thought about the first man and all that had happened in a matter of days and we all agreed that this was something divine going on. A month later, and on my very first day of school my Mother found my late Father dead after coming home from work. Totally unexpected. This whole event still freak me out to this day.
The second event (and I'll TRY to keep it short
) happened in 2001 when I got very ill while still in college. My, what I now know as my onset MS flare began the day after Christmas. By New Years day my Mother had flown into Oklahoma to see about me and we ended up coming back to Michigan a month later.
I had no money and had planned to take my $3000 tuition reimbursement money to come home with. I told mama that they would later come after me, but I saw no other way. Once the college resumed from Christmas break I went to my Counselor to drop out. I had to do the exit stuff and she could see that I was sick. Although I did not tell the lady what my intentions were with the money, she said to me that my check had already been mailed out, and just as I thought that she would tell me that I needed to return it she said "keep the money" she then told me that it would be months before they would ask me to return it but she felt that I needed it. I then revealed to her that I had already decided to do that.
A month later I received a letter in the mail from the Counselor. In the letter she said that I stayed on her mind constantly since the day we met and that she was wondering how I was. It then said that God had layed it on her heart to pay the $3000 to the school on my behalf
and for me to release that burden and not worry about repayment to her
I IMMEDIATELY sent a letter of sincere gratitude but the letter came back saying no such address
. I then contacted the school (mind you this is only weeks later) and asked to speak to the counselor and I was told that she had retired in DECEMBER
. I said that there was NO WAY that she could've retired in December because we met in JANUARY and that she had completed my exit exam. I was reassured that I must have the wrong person because she had indeed retired at the end of first semester.
To this day I have yet to encounter this woman again. I KNOW that I know that I know that I know that I KNOW that the person that I encountered on that day was a messenger of God. There is no other explanation, and many that I share the story with do not believe it but my Mother does because she was there to witness.
This is why when God CALLED my behind out of bed one night at 4 am to do MS advocacy work, I answered and vowed not to cease. I take it very seriously and when sometimes told that I am crazy for doing such a thing for free I tell them that they just don't KNOW, nor will ever have a clue.
Sorry for straining your eyes, but I hope that my testimony has uplifted someone, I felt led to share it.
I am a staunch believer that Angels are amongst us. The Bible speaks on the fact that was may welcome an Angel in our home and not know it. I interpret home as life and not a house, so this is why I am ever so careful as to how I treat people and stick to the golden rule although I know that I can and have fallen short.
In regards to encounters with Angels I am SURE that I have. I even went as far to ask a 102 year old man that I once knew if he was one. He told me that he wasn't but I STILL believe that he was

Two other incidents that I can remember are:(sorry for the length but I cannot tell a story the short way)
1. A month before I moved to Oklahoma to attend college in 1999 I had bought a van for $200.00s. It ran good but my late Father who was at the time failing in health was a machanic and instructed me to put the van on the highway for a short trip in the event that there was an underlying issue with the van. I decided to drive it from Michigan to Gary Indiana where my late Uncle lived at the time. My Uncle and Father said that they had me covered and if I were to break down along the way whoever was closest would come to my rescue. I ended up breaking down midways and it really didn't matter which one I could call, but I called my Father and Mother first. They said that they were on the way and to hold tight and to stay in the van which I had safely pulled off the road.
I stayed there for about 90 minutes when I saw my Parents pull up. My Father went under the hood and knew that my engine was blown and said that we would have to get the van towed in. By then I was frazzled and we had no idea how we would orchestrate the task at hand. Anyway, as we were standing there trying to figure things out, this truck pulls up and this big and massively built white man jumps out and comes to assist. My Father explained our delima and the man said "Sir I can help, but first we need to get this van to a safe location so that it doesn't get ticketed or hit." My Father offered to help the man push the van because it was at a weird angel but the man said no. The man physically pushed the van to a safe spot alone. (it impressed me).
Next the man said that he would chain the van to his truck and to follow him. We followed and as we were doing so each turn led to a more densely rural (sp) area. Of course we all got a little nervous thinking oh Lawd we may disappear never to be found again after following a complete stranger.
When we arrived at his wooded secluded home, a whole army of men came rushing out before we could exit the car

At about 2 am we hear a bleeping sound and saw lights and it was the man from the highway and the friend towing the van in. They did as promised and would not take one RED CENT for doing so. After they left, we all determined that the man from the road HAD to have been an Angel, we discussed about how he even looked. He had such a powerful body and chisled face that had he been dressed in a white robe with a gold belt and wings he would've fit the bill totally. (The story continues...)
A few days later we went to one of my late Fathers FAVORITE junk car parts dealer where his friend worked to see if we could find a halfway decent engine. My Fathers friend wasn't there that day, but the owner of the place, an older man was. He was nice and said that he hoped that he could help. My van was a 1993 Voyager and it just so happened that a 1999 Voyager that was totalled was there. The engine was brand new with less than a thousand miles on it. The man practically GAVE me the engine because it was worth thousands. My Father and another friend went to get the engine the next day and over the weekend had planned to drop the engine in my van. All of this took place on Monday. The next day my father called me down (I lived 3 doors away) and I went to see what he wanted. My Father had a weird look about him and said to me, "Remember the man who sold us the engine on yesterday?" I said yes. He then said, "When we went to get the engine we learned that the man had died yesterday evening"

We then thought about the first man and all that had happened in a matter of days and we all agreed that this was something divine going on. A month later, and on my very first day of school my Mother found my late Father dead after coming home from work. Totally unexpected. This whole event still freak me out to this day.
The second event (and I'll TRY to keep it short

I had no money and had planned to take my $3000 tuition reimbursement money to come home with. I told mama that they would later come after me, but I saw no other way. Once the college resumed from Christmas break I went to my Counselor to drop out. I had to do the exit stuff and she could see that I was sick. Although I did not tell the lady what my intentions were with the money, she said to me that my check had already been mailed out, and just as I thought that she would tell me that I needed to return it she said "keep the money" she then told me that it would be months before they would ask me to return it but she felt that I needed it. I then revealed to her that I had already decided to do that.
A month later I received a letter in the mail from the Counselor. In the letter she said that I stayed on her mind constantly since the day we met and that she was wondering how I was. It then said that God had layed it on her heart to pay the $3000 to the school on my behalf

I IMMEDIATELY sent a letter of sincere gratitude but the letter came back saying no such address

This is why when God CALLED my behind out of bed one night at 4 am to do MS advocacy work, I answered and vowed not to cease. I take it very seriously and when sometimes told that I am crazy for doing such a thing for free I tell them that they just don't KNOW, nor will ever have a clue.
Sorry for straining your eyes, but I hope that my testimony has uplifted someone, I felt led to share it.
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Girl....I am speechless!!! OMG!!!! God is sooooo good. Oh His great love. Praise Him girl. See, so many do not realize that we He is calling us out into the deep with Him. He wants our trust and faith and obedience. We are constantly in the presence of His ministering angels. We just need to be aware and sensitive to His hand working in our lives. Wow, thank you for sharing your stories. They truly blessed me girl!!!