OT - When "parenting" goes horribly wrong...

(deactivated member)
on 12/28/09 11:23 pm
Ayy yo,

A Highland Park teenager was shot to death execution style after he confessed to inappropriately touching his 3-year-old half sister. Detroit police say Jamar Pinkney Sr. barged into Jamar Pinkney Jr.’s home, where he lived with his mother, and beat the boy before ordering him to strip naked. He then led the frightened 15-year-old out into a field where he shot him to death....

Please read the rest of this story:  http://sandrarose.com/2009/11/19/dad-shoots-pedophile-son-ex ecution-style/.

This really makes no dayum sense to me.  I'm at a lost for words and that my friends is not an easy feat to acheive with me. 
Just M.
on 12/29/09 12:09 am
I think this is the same story I read about a few weeks back. I tell you sometimes as parents as people we really need to stop think calm the heck down before doing anytime of punishment to our children and or others. When things are done we often times react in the wrong matter.Not condoning what the child did to the sibling,but now you have killed your own instead of getting him professional help. Getting to the root of why this young man did what he did.

Being a child who was abused it makes me question the fathers parenting style and I wonder if he was abused and that is why he lashed out so harshly? This family will forever have that horror in their minds and hearts. Just freaking sickening to say the least.
I am so Grateful unto God and yes, I will continue Praising Him in Advance!
   287~267~249~135     starting/surgery/current/goal
(deactivated member)
on 12/29/09 2:02 am
Crap like this does make one angry.  Then for the molesters and abusers of children to be let out of prison after only serving 3-5 years for committing these offenses when caught and prosecuted, while convicted killers are let out after serving 18 months to 3 years due to prison over-crowding, makes it even worst to me. 
ladybug beauty
on 12/29/09 12:14 am - The D
This happened a couple of weeks back... I hope this man rots in jail!  As you said this makes on sense!
on 12/29/09 12:15 am - Mesa, AZ
All the way around, this is just tragic and brutal and sad!

Love is all there is, ever was or ever will be...  

(deactivated member)
on 12/29/09 1:58 am
I'm telling you that incidents like this one is the reason why I'm an advocate of humans the world over having to take an IQ test before being allowed to breed.
on 12/29/09 12:46 am
That's bad news.  Okay beat his @zz.  I can understand knocking a 15 year old up side his mug a few times when doing something that crazy, but it's not worth killing for.  I mean your own blood??  After his beatdown, then we could look at some professional help to address the underlying issue.

But, in another aspect boys will be boys.  , hang on....  He was 15 and was probably letting his curiosity get the best of him as most 15 year old boyz do, especially when it comes to a female's body.  Probably never touched a female and saw his 3 year old sister as an opportunistic way to satisfy his curiousity.  In no way am I condoning it.  It's still wrong no matter what.  Just playing devil's advocate here. 

But, getting back to Dad.  You figure after the beat down, you'd think that he would have thought that the boy had had enough.  Don't beat him down, then have him strip, then shoot him....execution style at that.  The story seems to indicate that father and son do not live in the same house hold, so he had to first travel to the son to do all of that.  There was plenty of time to consider a more appropriate couse of action.

My prediction:  dad will take a ride for this one.  No temporary insanity here. 

No Retreat!  No Surrender!
(deactivated member)
on 12/29/09 1:56 am
 @ he had to first travel to the son to do all of that.  There was plenty of time to consider a more appropriate couse of action.

That's what I'm talking about.  He should have calmed down first.  The fact that he got so amped up to do this much damage makes me feel like the father was often abused as a child and just didn't want to know that the sickness was passed on to his son in anyway.   I'm no expert but that's how I see it. 
Just M.
on 12/29/09 6:20 am
I think you are right. I believe the father was probably sexually abused by a family member and let out his wrath on the son.
I am so Grateful unto God and yes, I will continue Praising Him in Advance!
   287~267~249~135     starting/surgery/current/goal
Dimple Donna
on 12/29/09 2:27 am - Chicago, IL

Very sad situation, indeed....however, to say that 'boys will be boys; he was 15 and curious..." and thereby using the 3 YEAR OLD as an opportunity to satisfy curiosity...IS CRAZY AS HELL! I'm sorry, but if a 15 year old is curious - a NORMAL 15 year old WILL NOT sexually assault a 3 year old - curiosity or not - no, he'll go to either a teen his age or an older person...

Not beating you up, love - but perhaps a rethinking of your answer would suffice..in other words - say you had a 3 year old daughter and your 15 year old son was 'curious' with your 3 year old...I'm sure you wouldn't play 'devil's advocate' in that situation...no, your first inclination would be to try your best to kill his ass...or beat the hell out of him for touching your baby...or better yet - CALL THE DAMNED POLICE! You may not be 'condoning' what this boy did to his sister, but your answer, in my humble opinion, is just plain...dumb (not calling YOU dumb...but your answer is suspect)

I'm jes sayin'!


I choose to love myself, live life to the fullest, and encourage others to liberate themselves!
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