Should I be Concerned ?
I weighed 169.4 this morning. My surgeon wanted me to gain up to 190 but I keep losing. Since I haven't been able to get my protein through food, which they recommend I have been drinking a protein drink once a day. I have been put back on a lot of meds due to seizures and a central nervous system disorder, fibromyalgia, sleep apnea and allegies. I'm really scared because these dr's keep telling me they don't know what's going on. I'm under the care of a great neurologist and allergist but can't afford the copays and the costs of allergy shots. I will be seeing a rheumatologist in Jan. due to my degenerative disc disease and arthritis all over my body.
My first health business in Jan. is to get my son's braces, he has been put on the back burner every year because either I have had surgery or a medical emergency or my daughter had to have wisdom teeth pulled or her tonsils out. He won't smile because his mouth .
Sorry so long but my family is truly concerned about me because they see my ribs and spine and my tailbone is visible. I know Dedee says that is changes but right now I'm scared, especially after the Brittany Murphy death and some of the meds she was on. I had this surgery to live and not get skinny and just exist. Please pray. I have no energy.
My first health business in Jan. is to get my son's braces, he has been put on the back burner every year because either I have had surgery or a medical emergency or my daughter had to have wisdom teeth pulled or her tonsils out. He won't smile because his mouth .
Sorry so long but my family is truly concerned about me because they see my ribs and spine and my tailbone is visible. I know Dedee says that is changes but right now I'm scared, especially after the Brittany Murphy death and some of the meds she was on. I had this surgery to live and not get skinny and just exist. Please pray. I have no energy.
Thank you so much. It's not so much giving up as it is being so tired of being sick and tired. I CAN'T give up because that would be a slap in the face of God. I just feel that something medical is being overlooked and I should be feeling better and not worse and I know this plays on your psyche. Thank you for the wonderful prayer and I receive it in the beautiful spirit it was given. 

Rita, if you have ever trusted me sweet angel, trust me when I say this to you. You must change your confession. What I mean is this, yes it is a FACT that you have some diseases in your body, but that is not the TRUTH. The truth is what God says about you and He says: BY THE STRIPES ON JESUS' BACK AND THE BLOOD OF THE LAMB, YOU ARE HEALED!!!! So do not continue to confess illness over yourself.
This is going to take you into a place you may not have walked with God before but you MUST now trust Him in a greater and deeper way now. You must walk by Faith and not by site when it comes to this. Do not be moved by the doctors reports, no matter how bad, how frightening they are. They are the facts...not the truth.
Next, you MUST begin to speak healing over your life and body, constantly and DO NOT stop. Speak, out loud, the healing scriptures over yourself several times a day, until you have them memorized and stand on Gods word Rita. He will NOT fail you. You see, you have done and are doing YOUR part in your healing as far as seeing doctors and trying to eat better and so on, but you have not done as He instructed us to do, use His word, to move His hand, and let Him do HIS part in your healing. Trust me, I saw this with my husbands cancer. He will do this. He will heal you and what a powerful testimony it will be!!!
So start here. Read Psalms 91. Also, copy and speak these scriptures over your life repeatedly.
Next, you are a child of the most High God. He has given you power and authority over all things, including sickness. So...cast it out. Bind the spirit of illness and cast it out to the outer dark place never to return. Say exactly that, as silly as it may feel, and believe it with your whole heart. That's the real key here. You must have Faith and believe that God can and WILL heal you. Just fall back into the bed of faith he prepared for you. Trust Him Rita and never move from that. Trust Him like never before and watch Him work. We are all praying for you. We have all come into agreement for your healing, now do your part and let God do His.
Love you....
This is going to take you into a place you may not have walked with God before but you MUST now trust Him in a greater and deeper way now. You must walk by Faith and not by site when it comes to this. Do not be moved by the doctors reports, no matter how bad, how frightening they are. They are the facts...not the truth.
Next, you MUST begin to speak healing over your life and body, constantly and DO NOT stop. Speak, out loud, the healing scriptures over yourself several times a day, until you have them memorized and stand on Gods word Rita. He will NOT fail you. You see, you have done and are doing YOUR part in your healing as far as seeing doctors and trying to eat better and so on, but you have not done as He instructed us to do, use His word, to move His hand, and let Him do HIS part in your healing. Trust me, I saw this with my husbands cancer. He will do this. He will heal you and what a powerful testimony it will be!!!
So start here. Read Psalms 91. Also, copy and speak these scriptures over your life repeatedly.
Next, you are a child of the most High God. He has given you power and authority over all things, including sickness. So...cast it out. Bind the spirit of illness and cast it out to the outer dark place never to return. Say exactly that, as silly as it may feel, and believe it with your whole heart. That's the real key here. You must have Faith and believe that God can and WILL heal you. Just fall back into the bed of faith he prepared for you. Trust Him Rita and never move from that. Trust Him like never before and watch Him work. We are all praying for you. We have all come into agreement for your healing, now do your part and let God do His.
Love you....