First Post-op Appointment....Didn't Go Well!!!! Long Post

on 12/19/09 12:23 am


Well, my first post-op appointment didn't go as I expected for it to!  There I was thinking yeah I can graduate to mushies now and re-fried beans here I come!!!  Well, instead of re-fried beans I got (Tuesday night) a PICC Line, 3 liters of fluid, (2 NS, 1 LR) a Banana Bag and a room with a view at Scott & White Hospital!! 

The Saga: 

Here I was right after surgery feeling great not much pain in my incisions and getting my exercise and water in until the PAIN HIT  late Friday night in two forms!  No, not true surgery pain, but the first pain was a very bad burning sensation whenever I drank (sipped) anything - including water and then I felt the liquid hit the bottom of my pouch and that caused the most excruciating pain I'd ever felt.  This was causing me to get in less fluids, but still in the 30-40oz range, but not anywhere near the 70-80oz my doc requires.  The second was the flare-up of my chronic pain issue since I wasn't able to take my dilaudid yet , when I crushed it and took it - it tasted just as bad going down as it did coming back up (and this caused my staples to pull which was another very big OUCH!!!!

The Appointment:

So at my appointment I inform my NP and she calls my surgeon and they decided to give me a Carafate RX for the burning and since I couldn't get comfortable sitting (too much pain) and I told her I actually felt better standing, walking or lying down (which is what I'd do all day after getting my hour of exercise done in the morning) and that the Lortab didn't touch the pain - wore off in 30 minuets and that all it did was make me sleepy  - so I only took it in the AM and PM just to get some crushed pills down.  She calls my doc again and they decided I'm dehydrated and they want me to go over to the treatment area and get a liter or two of fluid and a dose of Carafate.

The Treatment:

So I go schedule my next appointment and wait to be called into a treatment room for my fluids.  Well,  I'm a very, very hard stick.  My veins are very tiny and deep oh yeah and I really only have 2 good ones that can be used anyway.  They don't listen to me @ where to stick me and needless to say they can't start a line.  Another call to my surgeon.  They decide I'm so dehydrated I need a PICC Line placed.  Once I come back from X-ray with my trusty ol PICC, I'm met by Jeremy (some of you might remember my ordeals with Jeremy) and he informs me my room is ready we're just waiting on orders  from Dr. Symmonds.  HELLO???? WHAT IS THIS??? I'm informed that do to my dehydration issue I need to be admitted for re-hydration (NOTHING IS MENTIONED ABOUT MY PAIN LEVEL!!!)  My BP is so high they give me medication for that in the treatment room too. Remember I have chronic pain and hadn't been able to take my pain meds.

The Plan: 

OK, so they start 2 bags of fluid running (NS) and I'm moved to my room.  These bags run dry and they start a bag of LR.  The only pain meds ordered was the LORTAB, I only take it to get crushed pills down. Next is my Banana Bag.  They call my doc for more pain med orders and they say No.  I'm up all night (bed is broken) in pain and the fluids keep a coming.  I finally get a bed at 7AM go to bed and by the time I'm discharged I'd been given 2 Banana Bags, 1 liter of LR, 4 liters of NS and a liter of NS w/ 20mEQ of KCL.  UMMM, that's 9 liters of fluid in less than 24 hours!   THEY TANKED ME UP BUT TRULY THEY FLOODED ME! 


I left my room with a view and brought home with me some new friends as well as the old... New - Mr. PICC Line and Ms. Home Health Care and the Old - my chronic pain.  Needless to say the burning sensation and pain are still there when I drink/sip anything so I'm guessing I'll have to get used to it and I spent over a day trying to get a RX filled for my Heparin and Saline Solutions.   Oh and I am now running a fever, but I think it's from the flu shots I received on Wednesday, but the arm that's hot and swollen is the one with my PICC Line in it.  I'll see how things go.

Minute By Minute and Hour After Hour
As The Days Go By, I'm Working My Way Back
To A Brand New Me!

on 12/19/09 12:29 am are going through it right now.  My prayers are with you for a speedy recovery and some relief.
Live, Laugh and Love                  
on 12/19/09 1:33 am - Buffalo, NY
I understand I been there and did that 4 times this year. My last hospitalization was in July and hopefully that is truly the last hospitalization for me. Are you sure you are getting 30-40 oz's in and not less than that?

"Real change comes from within"
(deactivated member)
on 12/19/09 1:44 am - Sweet Dreams lives in , PA
I am praying that all this gets resolved for you soon. Hang in there.
DeShanna C.
on 12/19/09 2:37 am - Birmingham, AL
Bless your heart! I pray God's comfort and healing for your recovery!
Psalms 94:14 In the multitude of my (anxious) thoughts within me, your comforts cheer & delight my soul!  

(deactivated member)
on 12/19/09 4:59 am - Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI
Sorry to hear that....hope things turn around soon!
mrs. neenaj
on 12/19/09 5:56 am
I'm truly praying for you. My first 5 weeks were rough and I was very sick and if asked, I probably wouldn't have recommended surgery at all. But when the dr's got my problems resolved and got me on the right meds. I was so happy that I had surgery. Hang in there, I have a chronic pain condition and I don't take pain meds. so it is really hard for me right now and I truly understand what you're going through. When I was having trouble getting my liquids in, I would get the little bottles of water like 10 ozs. and drink 2 sips every 5 minutes until I could get it down. My pcp gave me protonix for the pain in the pouch and gerd and zofran for nausea. I wish you luck.
MSW will not settle
on 12/19/09 7:04 am
Wow thats a hell of an ordeal.  With my two dozen plus meds I was lucky that my surgeon insisted all issues related to taking them be resolved before surgery so I could resume them the day after.  I knew it was important but I never realized how not having that plan could result in such huge issues.  Get well soon. 

                   MSW   Roux-En-Y Gastric Bypass: Eat sensibly & enjoy moderation  

 Links:  Are you a compulsive eater?  for help OA meets on-line Keep Coming Back, One Day At a Time  Overeaters Anonymous 


on 12/19/09 9:18 am - Cleveland, OH
OH my goodness. I'm praying that all your issues are resolved in a timely manner, and that you'll feel way better sooner than later.

Pre-op Diet  -7lbs
on 12/19/09 8:06 pm
Hi Chembe.  Thanks for sharing with the board your ordeal and experience.  For us newbies and those considering wls, it is important to understand the full spectrum of issues that may arise.  It makes me thankful for the success of my procedure, and more empathetic to those whose journey has been more of a struggle.

I'm praying that you will be feeling better soon, and that your holiday season is peaceful and restful.

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