Ok....so yes I am a copy cat...may I ask who is lurking over here? LOL
I am definitely a lurker I check out this forum everyday, usually when I am at work because I work 7p to 7a and I normally sleep during the day. I enjoy this forum because it is always someone making me laugh or telling it like it is. I do not have my surgery until Jan 4th, so I am basically learning alot from you guys and I really enjoy the posts. Nice to meet everyone

One thing for sure...OH has a huge archive...so anyone can peruse those messages at their leisure. I often go back and look at message I posted right after my surgery. Its interesting to see how ones thought process changes over time. Glad you see benefits in the site...thanks for saying Hi.
Hey all.. My name is Flarice (Flo).. I've been trying to get out of my "lurk mode" lately. But like some others- sometimes felt uncomfortable because I'm not part of the "vet society". lol However, I've met some really cool and down to earth people on here. I do come to BAF everyday- helps my day go by faster seeing some of the funny posts and I seem to learn something new everyday. However, I do hope to meet more people on here and make new friendships.
I post once in a while. You probably think that I'm a newbie because of the date under my avie, but I have been around for about 3 years. I was under a different name. And I found that some of the people that use to post all the time are no longer around. I may not get there names right, but there was a Brother Diamond, and his wife.,, a guy named Frenchie, (they were all from here in Connecticut), then there was some one call Jus Chan,, or something like that, and there was a girl name Cateyes, and Diane, which could be DD, Dee not sure. and a couple more that I can't think of their names. I often wonder what happened to them.
Mary Anne

And Your Hand Over My Mouth ! ! !
Hi, I'm Crystal.
I lurk all the time. I have posted from time to time. The reason I don't very often is because I'm often a day late and a dollar short. I come in hours after someone has posted something I may have a reply for and I don't want to look silly.
Another reason I lurk is because I don't do all the computer stuff. I have a generic avatar, not my real self and people are often touchy about someone not having their picture up.
Have a great day!