Looking forward to tonight's meet n greet Atlanta
Remember to bring a wrapped gift if you want to participate in the gift swap.

You Are Invited
to a
Holiday Gathering
Saturday, December 12, 2009

Where: Forest Restaurant and Bar
4938 North Henry Blvd
Stockbridge, Ga 30281
(770) 389-1011
Time: 8:00p.m - 12:00a.m
Who: Pre and post op wls patients, spouses, friends, supporters, &
children. All surgery types welcome.
Dining: Menu items range from $5-15. Forest offers a variety of
sandwiches, poultry, beef, bbq, Mexican, and Asian dishes.
Enjoy: Friends, fun, billiards, dancing, free bariatric product
samples, and gift exchange.
Bring: A wrapped gift valued at $10 for gift exchange. Men bring a
male gift, women bring a female gift. If you bring children,
please bring a $5 wrapped gift for your child to swap too, so
they will not feel left out of the fun.
r.s.v.p by December 5, 2009.
*Please let me know the number of adults and children that will attend.