mernin. if anything, admitting that she subjected her child to abuse using the excuse that she was too powerless and/or jealous to stop it made me feel even more hatred toward monique's character. throughout the movie mary jones was somebody i shook my head at in awe but her confession to knowing, then welcoming your daughter's rapist into your house and bed made her revolting to me.
on 12/9/09 10:58 pm
~I Am Worthy~
~N~U~R~2~ ("And You Are Too")
Hey Wanette,
You think this was bad.....believe me when I tell you...this was mild in comparison to other things that go on. Some kids are subjected to horrors that would make hell seem like a vacation.... being forced to eat feces....adults making animals have sex with them.....and it gets worse! really is sad.
on 12/10/09 12:33 am

That's some horrific shiddd right there!! I was telling my mother about the movie Precious and the look on her face was like... AND?!!
With her being a nurse for over 20 years (psych nurse too at times).. she told me she has seen alot. Then she told me that I have lived a sheltered life... WTF...

I guess she got a point, because like I said.. I was totally throwed off at this dipiction of self loathing of a mother MoNique played... ugghhh.. yuk.


~I Am Worthy~
~N~U~R~2~ ("And You Are Too")
I didn't know this was based on a true story. Is she still alive?
on 12/10/09 12:45 am - ~Somewhere in~, PA
I went to see that movie a few weeks ago, and I must say I had NO idea some people acutally lived like this, it was very SAD to hear that it was actually a true story. I am truly thankful for my upbringing.
Words cannot describe the hurt I felt for that young girl and as far as Monique's character, could she be the reason why there is this "stereotype" of why they say some black women are so mean and hateful and have attitute problems because of situations like this being sexually abused and abused by their men?
on 12/10/09 2:15 am - oklahoma city, OK
before she had Precious, and took the madness to another level.
I really got it when Precious told the caseworker "you can't handle this" and walked out !!!
I will say this though::

Ole Girl played that part--especially that last scene when she talked about the "past" OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I LOVED THIS MOVIE. Looking forward to seeing it again.
on 12/10/09 2:23 am - oklahoma city, OK
I love a movie that creates a lot of dialogue -- Reminds me of conversations that followed:
Color Purple
Waiting To Exhale
Lakawana Blues
Can't think of any more at the moment............................
I was relieved to hear, from the author of the book, that the characters are no one particular person but are a mixture of people that she has encountered.
My mom worked for children services for many many years and I remember the stories she would share and now I understand why she hugged me and my brother so tight every night.
If you haven't read the book, please do.