gm, all.
Good morning. It don't find it neither corny or old fashioned ... it is what a real man knows about his spouse or significant other. I am truly blessed to have a man like this in my life. Thanks for sharing.
People are so worried about what they eat between Christmas and the New Year, but they really should be worried about what they eat between the New Year and Christmas. ~Author Unknown
GM. This is a beautiful post and I donn't think it's corney at all, rather it's sweet. I have this guy too and couldn't be happier for it. Loves me no matter what and yes I have woke to find him smiling down on me. What a great post to start a snowy day.
My goal 135; current 132; pre-op highest 285; I have lost more than I weigh... I
my RNY!
Full TT w/ muscle repair 2/14/12 best valentines gift ever!

Full TT w/ muscle repair 2/14/12 best valentines gift ever!
Daps, Steve.
"When Alexander saw the breadth of his domain, he wept for there were no more worlds to conquer." Plutach. Not true, for there are always more worlds to conquer.
Love that quote. I'm pretty lucky. I think sometimes we get so wrapped up in ourselves we forget what we really have and what's out there.
Now the comparison shopping comment... That's exactly what men do. They always think there is one just a little better than than the good one they already have. At what point do you stop looking? Is it a feeling or a package that you are looking for?
Now the comparison shopping comment... That's exactly what men do. They always think there is one just a little better than than the good one they already have. At what point do you stop looking? Is it a feeling or a package that you are looking for?