Sleep...Where Did It Go?
Before the surgery, I could fall asleep anytime, any place. Give me a good 5 minutes and a sista was OUT. 
Well, since the surgery, sleep is not easy to come back. I lay down at night, and It takes a good 30 mins for me to even nod off. I don't nap anymore...which in a way, is not really a bad thing.
Has anyone one else had a problem with sleeping since the surgery? What do you do? Does this wear off? I am only a month out...does it get better?
When I lay down at night, I WANT TO SLEEP. I appreciate any suggestions!

Well, since the surgery, sleep is not easy to come back. I lay down at night, and It takes a good 30 mins for me to even nod off. I don't nap anymore...which in a way, is not really a bad thing.
Has anyone one else had a problem with sleeping since the surgery? What do you do? Does this wear off? I am only a month out...does it get better?

When I lay down at night, I WANT TO SLEEP. I appreciate any suggestions!

LOTS of insominia around these parts and LOTS of 'alternate, OTC' fixes for it too!!!
Vodka (my current mainstay)
OTC sleeping pills (for those of us whose stank AZZ docs see us druggies comin!)
Try-ya-besta be sleep
and all them other ones..... LMAOOOOO
4 years - not any better for me
I don't just have issues, I have subscriptions! I'm saving on the newsstand price.......
Check out my dating mis - adventures at:
LOL @ OTC sleeping pills (for those of us whose stank AZZ docs see us druggies comin!)
I'm having my check up with my surgeon next week and I think I'm going to have to break down and ask her to write me a script for some sleeping pills. I didn't want to have to go there, but it's getting worse. I am tired as a mug.
LOL! My problem is that I ain't tired with less sleep - I just wanna sleep! and I like the high feeling - so Imma druggie plain and simple.......
I don't just have issues, I have subscriptions! I'm saving on the newsstand price.......
Check out my dating mis - adventures at: