Losing in the wrong places...
Hey OH fam! How are you guys doing today??
I feel great! I feel like the old Dollface that was buried underneath all that fat is back! And she's FIERCE!!! I still have a LONG way to go but I am satisfied with success so far.
I've pretty much given up on protein shakes. Like other things 'it ain't for everybody!" So I force myself to eat. I've gotten up to 5 times a day and I only eat ground turkey and beans! I consider it jail food compared to what I normally get but, it satisfies my protein needs and tastes good so I can't complain.
Anyway, Here's the problem, I'm losing in the one place I have been scared to lose in. I'm LOOSING MY BREAST!!!! OMG!!!Of all the fat parts of my body why my breast? I need those! My parents weren't exactly generous in the read-end area so I REALLY need my breast! They're like balloons that are deflating! I'm like WTF is going on? I'm happy I'm losing this gut and even more happy about my waist but my breast..... OH NO!!!!
*sigh* I guess it could be worse.....
Yes...gurl...it could be worse that's for sure. I actually sabotaged my WLS because I was afraid of losing too quickly and looking sick. Really....its not about how we look....although I know that this will always be a facet that concerns us. The way I figure it...once we get down to a healthy weight range...perhaps things will start to balance out. Either way,....we are only going to be the way mother nature intended us to be from the jump. Its funny to think that FAT had been deceiving us for so long...not only in regards to our health but our endowments! Just keep working your program. All will be okay.....breast or not. While I hope to somehow find a nice voluptuous booty under the rest of this fat.....I still will be just as content to lose the fat and reveal an even flatter butt! Some of us just can't have it all...
Congrats on your weight loss!
Here's my .02....
Choke those shakes down. The small amount of food that you are eating at one month out is very little. You didn't mention your gram intake, but at this point in the game you really should use the shakes. Try jazzing them up by adding sugar free DaVinci/Torani syrups or sugar free dry pudding mix. Send me your email and I can hook you up with some great recipes.
Greek yogurt is also good with SF jam or syrup.
Breasts...I know, it sucks. But just wait, soon you'll have a body to match your smaller cups.
Congrats on your surgery and good luck.
As for the protein shakes.... prior to the surgery I loved Skim milk now I cant drink it cause .....well You know....

WHY I CHOSE DS: No dumping. Highest percentage of weight loss, Best long term results, Won't regain weight! Eat normal sized meals, 96% diabeties, 90% high blood pressure, 80% sleep apnea cured. I MY DS!
My doctor told me to stop having intimate dinners for four unless there were three other people. ~Orson Wells