TOP 10 Reasons MEN CHEAT
on 12/4/09 2:24 am - ~Somewhere in~, PA
I'd like to say that they are in no particular order but, we all know what guys say is the number one reason that they cheat. Remember ladies, the jokes about sex ending when marriage begins, wouldn't be funny if there weren't some truth to them!
- Not getting enough at home! Women tend to get caught up in "life" and sex gets put on the "back burner". She may be bent over helping the kids tie their shoes but he's still looking at her "nice ass". God…is that all they think about?
- It's reassuring to know that he's still "got it". Time has a way of making us all feel less sexy and desirable. A little forbidden rendezvous can be a real shot to a sagging male ego.
- The wife just isn't physically appealing anymore. Face it, women do tend to let themselves go. Often they get too busy raising their families and neglect themselves. They are too tired to put on make up or do those thigh slimming exercises. The result? A sexy new secretary and whatdayaknow…"Honey…I have to work late"!
- Sex at home is boring. The wife doesn't like to try new things (or old things – namely, *******s!). To men, variety is the spice of life and he may have some sexual urges that his wife is not willing to fulfill. He may have some ideas that he would rather his wife didn't know about. Can you say "manage-a-trios"?
- He just couldn't say no. The woman was hot and all over him. It just seemed like a once in a lifetime opportunity…too good to pass up. This is where the phrase "thinking with their little head" came from!
- The wife just isn't fun anymore. She worries, she nags, she fusses and they fight all of the time. He cheats to "get away from it all".
- He just doesn't love his wife anymore. And just how do you tell someone that tactfully? It is easier to have an affair than it is to deal with the pain and emotional upheaval of such a confession. On the other hand…if he is caught cheating? Well, the door is then opened for a speedy exit!
- The thrill of the chase is exhilarating. Some men are truly addicted not only to the act of sex itself, but to the hunt. They thrive on the rush they get when they are able to conquer even the toughest "ice queen". It's not about love, it's about control and winning!
- They cheat because they can. Many men know that their wives are insecure and dependant on them. They also know that low self esteem and a fear of being alone will keep her "in place" and "at home" no matter what, or who they do. So, why not? Variety – remember?
- And finally, men cheat to get even! It is an absolute blow to the male ego for his sexual prowess to be in question. Why else would a woman cheat on him? His own affair as a result, serves two purposes, revenge and reassurance of manhood
I always wanted to know why some men cheat, I guess these are good answers, but as one guy told me long time ago ALL MEN WILL cheat IF THEY CAN some do it slicker than others and more often than others.
Happy Reading!
on 12/4/09 2:47 am - ~Somewhere in~, PA
This is my theory. It has less to with us as women and more to do with the nature of a man. I don't believe at their core, men are monogamous. If they are, it's a struggle. I'll say it this way, a woman wants ONE man to take care of ALL of her needs. A man wants ENDLESS women to take care of a FEW of his needs.

I don't just have issues, I have subscriptions! I'm saving on the newsstand price.......
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Why is it that women have to constantly recreate themselves for their men to remain interested in them? You know I've often heard men say "they can't win" with women and I really think that pendulum swings both ways. How in the world do we keep up with all the things we have to do to work (just as hard as they do mind you), run a household, raise the kids, cook and all the other domestic crap women have to do and stay as fit and young as the tramp ass hoe at work, and stroke their ego by making them think they are running the whole thing and it's running as well as it is because of them. The former white haired Governor of my state divorced the wife of his youth and married his 22 year old secretary less than 30 days after he left office. This is just one example. There are so many more. It tells me that men never mature to being satisfied with a woman and not a young girl. At least it appears that way. Tell me men, how do we as women win?
A friend of mine told me she turned to dating women because she just kept gettng hurt and couldn't make it work out with a man even though she tried. Deep, huh.. Another woman I know did time for stabbing her husband (not to death) for cheating on her and using the 401k to finance his affair. She lost her job and social services is constantly on her back now because she has kids. They took her kids away from her for a while and she had to have supervised visits after that. She was never a threat to her children. She never committed any crime before that. After she told me that my counsel to women became, "get mad but don't go to jail".
Again, I ask the men, how do we win? And, for the rest of you, pray my strength in the Lord..
It tells me that men never mature to being satisfied with a woman and not a young girl. At least it appears that way. Tell me men, how do we as women win?
gurl it sounds like you answered your own question but

Another woman I know did time for stabbing her husband (not to death)

Cookie, you really had to ask who wrote this? LOL LOL
Why would any man type any kind of rebuttal to this tripe? Unless you come out and say, "yup, ya'll are absolutely, positively correct"...all we're gonna read is, "see, that's what I'm talking about...all excuses...ya'll ain't shyt...." So, I say, "why bother?" LOL LOL

"When Alexander saw the breadth of his domain, he wept for there were no more worlds to conquer." Plutach. Not true, for there are always more worlds to conquer.